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WITT/TS/245 · Unidad documental simple · [1947]
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consists of part of TS-244 and the whole of TS-229. With a note by G H von Wright . The pagination begins at p 134 GHvW suggests that this is a continuation of a revised item TS-228. The content of p 320 is supplied by photocopies from TS-229.

WITT/TS/242 (i) · Unidad documental simple · 1944-45
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of pages from between pages 150 and 195 of the “Intermediate Version” of the Philosophical Investigations. With an envelope marked “The pages which W gave to GHvW in Cambridge (should eventually go to Trinity)”

WITT/TS/241 (i) · Unidad documental simple · 1944-45
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Based on MS-129. With a note by G H von Wright . This manuscript forms part of the preliminary work for the Philosophical Investigations in which most of the remarks in it appear, though not in the same order.

WITT/TS/237 · Unidad documental simple · [1942-43]
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of fragments from pages 80 to 92 of TS-220. With a note by G H von Wright. Thought by von Wright to be ‘left-overs’ from the revision Wittgenstein made of TS-220

WITT/TS/236 · Unidad documental simple · [1930s]
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of pages removed from a copy of TS-210 and 211. Marked “Remarks edited from an early version of Philosophische Unter. Kept by R Rhees”. The pages include annotations and a manuscript remark by Wittgenstein

WITT/TS/235 · Unidad documental simple · n.d.
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Based on remarks from MS-130, consecutively numbered. Together with a note from von Wright concerning the contents of a case of Wittgenstein manuscripts.

"Zettel II"
WITT/TS/233b · Unidad documental simple · 1929-48
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Continuation of TS-233a. Attached to the inside back cover is a pouch containing a number of remarks that were not pasted in to the volume

"Zettel I"
WITT/TS/233a · Unidad documental simple · 1929-48
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

First part of a collection of cuttings that Wittgenstein kept in a box-file, later arranged by Peter Geach and pasted into two volumes. Many of the individual remarks are annotated by Wittgenstein. There are also editorial comments by Geach.

Continuation of TS-228
WITT/TS/229 · Unidad documental simple · 1947
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

The pagination of this typescript follows on from TS-228 as does the numbering of the remarks. However, the latter almost immediately suffer a confusion as number 670 follows 699. It consists of remarks from MS-130-135 on the subject of the philosophy of psychology.

Copy of 227 (i)
WITT/TS/227 (ii) · Unidad documental simple · [1939]
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Some annotations differ from those in TS-227 (i) as do the number of cuttings and inserts, the hands represented in the annotations are the same as those in TS-227 (i)

WITT/TS/227 (i) · Unidad documental simple · [1944-46]
Parte de Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

The manuscript shows clear signs of editing by individuals other than Wittgenstein Annotations in pen are sometimes by Wittgenstein and at other times by Peter Geach and one other hand. A few cuttings and inserts are placed between the sheets as are some notes that are also not in Wittgenstein’s hand.