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Affichage de 621 résultats

Description archivistique
Small photograph of sunbathers
Small photograph of sunbathers
Photograph on a card
Photograph on a card
Photograph of a woman in a folder
Photograph of a woman in a folder
Small empty envelope
Small empty envelope
Large empty envelope
Large empty envelope
A large notebook entitled 'National wit and wisdom'
A large notebook entitled 'National wit and wisdom'
A notebook (notes on artists)
A notebook (notes on artists)
Poster of Pollock's 'Scenes in The Blind Boy'
Poster of Pollock's 'Scenes in The Blind Boy'
Poster of Mr Phelps
Poster of Mr Phelps
Poster of Mr Phelps
Poster of Mr Phelps
Poster of Tom Sayers
Poster of Tom Sayers
Poster of Tom Sayers
Poster of Tom Sayers
A notebook (notes on artists, their work and addresses)
A notebook (notes on artists, their work and addresses)
Coloured hand posters of:- Prince Albert
Coloured hand posters of:- Prince Albert
Drawing of two children pasted onto card
Drawing of two children pasted onto card
Photograph of a painting. London National Gallery
Photograph of a painting. London National Gallery
Photograph of Delaroch's 'Les enfants d'Edouard IV', No. 10217, Louvre, Paris
Photograph of Delaroch's 'Les enfants d'Edouard IV', No. 10217, Louvre, Paris
Photograph of Ingres' 'Jeanne d'Arc'. No. 10429, Louvre, Paris
Photograph of Ingres' 'Jeanne d'Arc'. No. 10429, Louvre, Paris
Photograph of a mural/painting. No 619, stamped J. Leroy Editeur
Photograph of a mural/painting. No 619, stamped J. Leroy Editeur
Small photograph of a man on a card mount
Small photograph of a man on a card mount
Large photograph of a woman
Large photograph of a woman
Large photograph of a woman
Large photograph of a woman
Photograph of a female nude
Photograph of a female nude
Round framed photograph of a woman
Round framed photograph of a woman
Photographs and notebooks
Photographs and notebooks
Ernest Stock Insurance document
Ernest Stock Insurance document
Lloyds Insurance policy renewal and receipt
Lloyds Insurance policy renewal and receipt
Maintnance contract for fridge, D.P. Toomey
Maintnance contract for fridge, D.P. Toomey
Cheques and a statement
Cheques and a statement