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WITT/TS/245 · Stuk · [1947]
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consists of part of TS-244 and the whole of TS-229. With a note by G H von Wright . The pagination begins at p 134 GHvW suggests that this is a continuation of a revised item TS-228. The content of p 320 is supplied by photocopies from TS-229.

WITT/TS/242 (i) · Stuk · 1944-45
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of pages from between pages 150 and 195 of the “Intermediate Version” of the Philosophical Investigations. With an envelope marked “The pages which W gave to GHvW in Cambridge (should eventually go to Trinity)”

WITT/TS/241 (i) · Stuk · 1944-45
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Based on MS-129. With a note by G H von Wright . This manuscript forms part of the preliminary work for the Philosophical Investigations in which most of the remarks in it appear, though not in the same order.

WITT/TS/237 · Stuk · [1942-43]
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of fragments from pages 80 to 92 of TS-220. With a note by G H von Wright. Thought by von Wright to be ‘left-overs’ from the revision Wittgenstein made of TS-220

WITT/TS/236 · Stuk · [1930s]
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Consisting of pages removed from a copy of TS-210 and 211. Marked “Remarks edited from an early version of Philosophische Unter. Kept by R Rhees”. The pages include annotations and a manuscript remark by Wittgenstein

WITT/TS/235 · Stuk · n.d.
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Based on remarks from MS-130, consecutively numbered. Together with a note from von Wright concerning the contents of a case of Wittgenstein manuscripts.

"Zettel II"
WITT/TS/233b · Stuk · 1929-48
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Continuation of TS-233a. Attached to the inside back cover is a pouch containing a number of remarks that were not pasted in to the volume

"Zettel I"
WITT/TS/233a · Stuk · 1929-48
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

First part of a collection of cuttings that Wittgenstein kept in a box-file, later arranged by Peter Geach and pasted into two volumes. Many of the individual remarks are annotated by Wittgenstein. There are also editorial comments by Geach.

Continuation of TS-228
WITT/TS/229 · Stuk · 1947
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

The pagination of this typescript follows on from TS-228 as does the numbering of the remarks. However, the latter almost immediately suffer a confusion as number 670 follows 699. It consists of remarks from MS-130-135 on the subject of the philosophy of psychology.

Copy of 227 (i)
WITT/TS/227 (ii) · Stuk · [1939]
Part of Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein

Some annotations differ from those in TS-227 (i) as do the number of cuttings and inserts, the hands represented in the annotations are the same as those in TS-227 (i)