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William Carus correspondence
Add. MS b/113 · File · [19th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Volume of letters arranged alphabetically by correspondent, with usually no more than one letter per person, each correspondent identified at the top of the page on which the letter is mounted, in the form of an autograph book.

Carus, William (1804-1891) clergyman
Add. MS b/114 · File · [19th-20th cent]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Volume of letters from a number of correspondents, who are represented by one or two letters each. Many of the correspondents are identified at the top of the page on which the letter is mounted, in the form of an autograph book.

Bazeley, William (1843-1925) canon of Gloucester, antiquary
Add. MS b/62 · File · 1864-1919
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Predominantly printed material: extracts from journals and newspapers; prefaces; programmes and dinner menus of Shakespeare societies; examination papers; printed correspondence (including between J. O. Halliwell-Philipps and Robert Browning regarding the New Shakspeare Society); frontispiece purportedly from the 1599 edition of Venus and Adonis probably from the 1879 Sotheran facsimile edition. Letters from P. Lyttelton Gell, George Litting, Henry Weston Eve and John Doran.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/61 · File · 1861-1896
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Notes on Shakespeare by W. Aldis Wright, Sir Philip Perring, Albert Matthews, George Parker, H. P. Stokes, Eduard Thiessen and G. O. Wray. Printed reply by Edward H. Pickersgill to a paper by James Spedding, interleaved with Spedding's MS comments.

Letters (some of those without stated address perhaps originally sent to W. G. Clark) including correspondence from P. A. Daniel, W. G. Fletcher, F. J. Furnivall, R. Markham Hill, C. M. Ingleby; also some draft letters from W. Aldis Wright to various correspondents.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/60 · File · 1863-1897
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Letters, from both scholars and members of the public regarding W. Aldis Wright's editions of Shakespeare (including collaborations with W. G. Clark) as well as notes on the texts and suggested emendations. Some letters without stated addressee may have been written to W. G. Clark.

Letters and notes regarding 'The Squire Papers': papers, including copies of letters said to have been by Oliver Cromwell, sent by William Squire of Great Yarmouth to Thomas Carlyle, and published by him as authentic. Aldis Wright published an account of Carlyle's dealings with Squire, with many quotations from the supposed Cromwell letters, in 1886.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/59 · File · 1860-1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Letters, from both scholars and members of the public, regarding W. Aldis Wright's editions of Shakespeare (including collaborations with W. G. Clark) as well as notes on the texts and suggested emendations. Some letters with no addressee may have been written to W. G. Clark. Correspondents include E. B. Cowell, F. J. Furnivall, C. M. Ingleby, H.A.J. Munro, W. W. Skeat, Duncan Tovey, and the 8th Duke of Devonshire. Some notes by Julius Lloyd and Lionel Booth.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/63 · File · 1871-1907
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Notes, correspondence and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Includes letters from: Bartholomew Price; the Bishop of St David's [Basil Jones]; the Bishop of Llandaff [Alfred Ollivant], two Bishops of Winchester [Harold Browne and Samuel Wilberforce) and the Bishop of St Andrew's, Dunkeld and Dunblane [Charles Wordsworth]. Draft letters from Wright to R. A. [?] Massie and the editor of the Rock. Printed correspondence, members lists etc of the Old and New Testament Revision Companies. Notes on the Psalms, the Athanasian Creed, 'The Rephaim and other giant races of Scripture' [no 44] etc.

Also present: what purports to be a frontispiece to the Coverdale Bible of 1535, with an engraved portrait of Coverdale 'from a Drawing in the Possession of Dr Gifford' [from Erasmus Middleton's Biographia evangelica of 1816?] and a copy of 'Coverdale's Dedication' and 'Myles Coverdale unto the Christen Reader' [from Bagster's 1838 printing?]. A note in Philip Gaskell's hand judges the frontispiece to be 'slightly fishy: cd be a block printed on old paper'.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/65 · File · 1871-1903
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Correspondence, notes, and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Includes correspondence from: S. R. Driver; F. J. A. Hort; W. F. Moulton, J. Troutbeck, Maxwell Ben-Oliel; Connop Thirwell, G. C.M. Douglas, Frederick Field, John Dury Geden and Charles Kingsley along with several copies/drafts of letters by W. Aldis Wright to others. Notes by William Barnes; R. L. Bensly, Schiller-Szinessy, William Selwyn, and others. Includes material on the disposition of the remaining funds after the completion of the project.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/64 · File · 1870-1884
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Correspondence, notes, and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Some letters addressed to the Dean of Westminster, A. P. Stanley; to Canon Selwyn, and to others. Includes letters from: Connop Thirlwall, Bishop of St David's; G. C. M. Douglas; E. H. Browne, Bishop of Ely then of Winchester; Frederick Field; John Dury Geden; A. P. Stanley, Dean of Westminster; Alfred Ollivant, Bishop of Llandaff; Hormuzd Rassam; William Selwyn; J. Troutbeck; Duncan H. Weir, James Cartmell; Bartholomew Price; Philip Schaff. Several copies/drafts of letters by W. Aldis Wright to others. Much material regarding the relationship between the British and American Revision Committees.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/66 · Item · c 1871-1912
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Correspondence, notes, and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Includes correspondence from C. F. Clay, William F. Moulton, Bartholomew Price, T. H. Stokoe, Richard Wright, J. Troutbeck and others, along with several copies/drafts of letters by W. Aldis Wright. Notes by T. K. Cheyne, George Chawner, John Birrell, D. H. Weir and others. Includes material on use by others of the Revised Version, such as a request from [Charles Goldschmidt?] Montefiore, and on the disposition of surplus money given to the Old and New Testament Revision Companies [see also Add.MS.b.65].

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/58 · File · 1860s-1880s
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Letters relating to W. Aldis Wright's editions of Shakespeare (including collaborations with W. G. Clark) as well as notes on the texts and suggested emendations. Some letters addressed to W. G. Clark; several letters with no addressee may have originally been directed to him). Many letters from C. M. Ingleby and Brinsley Nicholson. A leather book binding, separated from its contents and in three pieces, is in the box [pencil note on inside front cover reads 'Add.MS.b.58 69-217]; the spine is stamped 'Shakespeare. Dyce 8', perhaps suggesting that some of the notes are by Alexander Dyce.

Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar
Add. MS b/71/3/3-5 · Item · [c 1901?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Relates the occasion that he heard the news that HS had won the Craven Scholarship, and describes his wide-ranging academic interests. Recalls a walking tour he took with him in South Wales, and a competition they had to begin 'some stanza of the Odes that the other could not finish.' Refers also to the respect in which his opinion on various matters was held. Some amendments in ink.

Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836-1901), schoolmaster
Add. MS b/71/58 · Item · 1900-1902
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Includes Professor Maitland's speech at the memorial meeting for Henry Sidgwick; obituary by Miss E.E.C. Jones, which appeared in the Journal of Education for October 1900; 'Dr Keynes in the Economic Journal of Dec 1900', references to Sidgwick made by Professor Sorley, quoted from a letter of 2 September 1900, and from the International Journal of Ethics for January 1901; reference to Sidgwick made by Alice Gardner in a letter of 24 August 1900; 'Mr C.F.G. Masterman in the Commonwealth for November 1900'; 'From the Cambridge Letter of 1900 of the Newnham College Club'; 'A.T. Lyttelton [Bishop of Southampton] in a letter of Sept. 21, 1900'; 'Sir F. Pollock in a letter of Aug.30.1900'; 'Mrs Sanger [A.D. Pease] in a letter of Sept.23.1900'; 'Mr C. Cooper who took his degree in 1874 in a letter to Dr Ward' from October 1900; 'Professor Mandello, Professor of Law and Political Science at Pressbourg in a letter of Oct. 14, 1900'; 'Miss Agnes Mason in a letter of Nov 16. 1900'; 'Mrs McLeod [E. Stevenson] in a letter of Oct.24.1900'; 'Miss A.M. Jackson in a letter of June 9.1900'; 'Miss Alice Woods in a letter of Sept.2 1900'; 'Miss Amy Sharpe in a letter of Sept.3.1900'; 'Miss Emma Brooke in a letter of Sept.29.1900'; 'Miss Susan Cunnington in a letter of March 9.1902'. Some MS explanatory notes, amendments and emendations included.

Add. MS b/71/59 · Item · 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Front sheet with MS note: 'Obituary notices and letters of sympathy/ Remarks about H. S. as a man and his conversation'.

Notes perhaps made by Nora Sidgwick [?]. Includes 'Sir Frederick Pollock in the Pilot of September 15, 1900'; Mr W. Everett in American paper, [August] 29 1900'; Mr C.F.G. Masterman in the Commonwealth of October 1900'; 'Miss E.E.C. Jones in the Journal of Education for October 1900'; 'Dr Keynes in the Economic Journal for December 1900'; 'The Cambridge Letter of the Newnham College Club for 1900'; 'Sir Leslie Stephen in Mind'; 'Dr Peile in the Cambridge Review of October 25. 1900'; 'Mr Bryce in "Biographical Studies".'; 'Lord Acton in a letter of Sept. 2.1900'; 'Professor Clifford Allbutt in a letter of September 1900'; Mr W.G. Bell in a letter of Aug.30.1900'; 'Mr E.E. Bowen in a letter of Aug 31, 1900'; 'Professor E.G. Brown in a letter of Aug.31. 1900'; 'Mr H.F. Brown in a letter of Oct.3.1900'; 'Mr Basil Champneys in a letter of Sept.1. 1900'; 'Mrs J.W. Clark in a letter of Oct.12.1900'; 'Mr F.W. Cornish in a letter of June 11. 1900'; 'Mrs Cornish in a letter of Sept.15. 1900'; 'Mrs Courtauld in a letter of April 14. 1902'; 'Mrs Creighton in a letter of Aug.21.1900'; 'Mr J.D. Duff in a letter of Sept.30.1900'; 'Professor A.V. Dicey in a letter of Sept.4. 1900'; 'Mrs T.H. Green in a letter of Sept.14. 1900'; 'Sir William Harcourt in a letter of April 30. 1900'; T. Fowler in a letter of Sept.9. 1900'; 'Miss B. Foxley in a letter of Oct.6. 1900'; 'Baron Fr. von Hügel in a letter of Sept.1. 1900'; 'Professor Williams [sic] James in a letter of Sept. 1. 1900'; 'Mrs F.A.Kitchener in a letter of Sept.7. 1900'; 'Mr Walter Leaf in a letter of Sept.1. 1900'; 'Miss G. Liddell in a letter of Sept.23. 1900'; 'Mr E. Lyttelton in a letter of Sept.13. 1900'; 'Lord Lytton in a letter of Sept. 5. 1900'; 'Miss M.H. Mason in a letter of Oct.11. 1900'; 'Professor J.B. Mayor in a letter of Sept.11.1900'; 'Miss Emma Miller in a letter of Sept.1. 1900'; 'Dr Peile in a letter of Aug.29. 1900'; 'R.H. Inglis Palgrave in a letter of Sept.2. 1900'; 'F. Podmore in a letter of Aug.31. 1900'; 'Dr Robertson [Minister of the parish church of Whitting{ }] in a letter of Sept. 1. 1900'; 'Miss E.E. Thomas [a student] in a letter of July 30. 1901, to Miss Stephen'; 'Professor J.J. Thomson in a letter of Aug. 30.1900'; 'Bishop Westcott in a letter of Sept.1. 1900'; 'Mr William Everett in a letter of Aug.31, 1900'; 'Sir George Trevelyan in a letter of Aug.30.1900'; 'Sir R.K. Wilson in a letter of Aug. 30. 1900'; small quotes by Lady Victoria Buxton, Baronness von Hügel, Lady Jebb, Sir Oliver Lodge, B. Mallett, Mrs Mozley, Mrs Peile, Mrs J.C. Symonds, Professor Westlake, Mrs Westlake. Some MS explanatory notes, amendments and emendations.

Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head
Add. MS b/120 · Item · c 1936
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Typed pages containing Gow's notes and [Laurence's?] corrections. Accompanied by a typescript letter from Gow to Philip Gaskell [Librarian of Trinity College Library] dated 16 June 1968 and an undated four page letter from Peter [F. L. Lucas] to Gow about the poems at the back.

Housman, Laurence (1865-1959), writer and artist