Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

Zone d'identification

Type of entity


Forme autorisée du nom

Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom

    Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

      Autre(s) forme(s) du nom

      • Lawrence, Caroline Aspland (birth name)
      • Lawrence, Carry (nickname)

      Identifiers for corporate bodies

      Description area

      Dates d’existence



      Born at 32 Gloucester Gardens, Paddington, 2 June 1865.

      Educated at a school for ladies at 32 Brunswick Terrace, Hove (census, 1881).

      Married Evan Ceredig Jones (1851–1915) at Kensington, July 1904.

      Died 1938, leaving over £40,000 to Marion Martha Mary Leighfield, a fellow activist in the Surrey Suffrage movement.


      Statut légal

      Functions, occupations and activities

      Mandates/sources of authority

      Internal structures/genealogy

      Contexte général

      Relationships area

      Related entity

      Lawrence, Alfred (1826-1875), builder (1826-1875)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Lawrence, Alfred (1826-1875), builder est le parent de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Related entity

      Lawrence, Mary Elizabeth (1838/9-1903), mother of Lord Pethick-Lawrence (1838/9-1903)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Lawrence, Mary Elizabeth (1838/9-1903), mother of Lord Pethick-Lawrence est le parent de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Related entity

      Lawrence, Frederick William Pethick- (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence, politician (1871-1961)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Lawrence, Frederick William Pethick- (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence, politician est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Related entity

      Davies, Ellen Mary (1860-1904), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence (1860-1904)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Davies, Ellen Mary (1860-1904), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Related entity

      Lawrence, Annie Jane (1863-1953), teacher of handicrafts (1863-1953)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Lawrence, Annie Jane (1863-1953), teacher of handicrafts est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Related entity

      Lawrence, Alfred Henry (1850-1900), barrister (1850-1900)

      Identifier of related entity

      Category of relationship


      Type of relationship

      Lawrence, Alfred Henry (1850-1900), barrister est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Caroline Aspland (1865-1937), sister of Lord Pethick-Lawrence

      Dates of relationship

      Description of relationship

      Access points area

      Mots-clés - Sujets

      Mots-clés - Lieux


      Zone du contrôle

      Identifiant de notice d'autorité

      Identifiant du service d'archives

      Rules and/or conventions used


      Niveau de détail

      Dates de production, de révision et de suppression





          Registers of births, marriages, and deaths

          Notes de maintenance