Zone d'identification
Type of entity
Forme autorisée du nom
Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules
Autre(s) forme(s) du nom
- Smith, Elisabeth Babington (birth name)
Identifiers for corporate bodies
Description area
Dates d’existence
Statut légal
Functions, occupations and activities
Mandates/sources of authority
Internal structures/genealogy
Contexte général
Relationships area
Related entity
Smith, Sir Henry Babington (1863-1923), knight, civil servant and financier (1863-1923)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Sir Henry Babington (1863-1923), knight, civil servant and financier est le parent de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington (1877-1944), née Bruce, wife of Sir Henry Babington Smith (1877-1944)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington (1877-1944), née Bruce, wife of Sir Henry Babington Smith est le parent de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Bunsen, Margaret Babington de (1907-1997), sister of Constance Babington Smith (1907-1997)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Bunsen, Margaret Babington de (1907-1997), sister of Constance Babington Smith est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, Bernard Babington (1905-1993), academic, wartime intelligence officer, and amateur athlete (1905-1993)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Bernard Babington (1905-1993), academic, wartime intelligence officer, and amateur athlete est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, Constance Babington (1912-2000), writer and photographic intelligence interpreter (1912-2000)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Constance Babington (1912-2000), writer and photographic intelligence interpreter est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, Michael James Babington (1901-1984), financier and army officer (1901-1984)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Michael James Babington (1901-1984), financier and army officer est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Cox, Susan (1917-2003), née Babington Smith, architect (1917-2003)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Cox, Susan (1917-2003), née Babington Smith, architect est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Sinclair, Lucy Elisabeth (1910-2005), née Babington Smith, wife of the 2nd Baron Pentland (1910-2005)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Sinclair, Lucy Elisabeth (1910-2005), née Babington Smith, wife of the 2nd Baron Pentland est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, Henry George Babington (1902-1982), schoolmaster (1902-1982)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, Henry George Babington (1902-1982), schoolmaster est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist
Dates of relationship
Description of relationship
Related entity
Smith, David Babington (1907-1989), diplomat and wartime Special Operations Executive agent (1907-1989)
Identifier of related entity
Category of relationship
Type of relationship
Smith, David Babington (1907-1989), diplomat and wartime Special Operations Executive agent est le frère/la soeur de Jones, Elisabeth Babington Lloyd (1921-2008), née Babington Smith, doctor and anaesthesiologist