Zone d'identification
Type of entity
Forme autorisée du nom
Lamb, Sir Walter Rangeley Maitland (1882-1961), knight, classicist, and Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
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Autre(s) forme(s) du nom
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Description area
Dates d’existence
Walter Lamb was born in Adelaide Australia on 5 Jan 1882, the son of Sir Horace Lamb, Professor of Mathematics at the University there. He was educated at Manchester Grammar School, his father having taken a chair at Owens College, and admitted to Trinity College Cambridge as a Major Scholar in 1901, graduating with a BA in Classics in 1905. He was a Fellow of Trinity from 1907 to 1913 and lectured in Classics at Newnham, Girton, King's and Emmanuel Colleges. From 1913 to 1951 he was Secretary to the Royal Academy of Arts.
Statut légal
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Internal structures/genealogy
Contexte général
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Mots-clés - Sujets
Mots-clés - Lieux
Zone du contrôle
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Dates de production, de révision et de suppression
Who Was Who