1 Briar Hill, Purley, Surrey.—Approves McKerrow’s plans for the first number. Will try to contribute something to the second.
(Dated 25 July. The year is clear from the context.)
1 Briar Hill, Purley, Surrey
25 July
Dear McKerrow
Many… read more
1 Briar Hill, Purley, Surrey.—Approves McKerrow’s plans for the first number. Will try to contribute something to the second.
(Dated 25 July. The year is clear from the context.)
1 Briar Hill, Purley, Surrey
25 July
Dear McKerrow
Many thanks for your long letter about the R.E.S. which I wish I could have saved you by a meeting in town, but I have been fearfully rushed lately trying to get free from the red tape tentacles of the Board. {1} With luck I ought to be disentangled this week. I think your preface A.1. & I hope you will put it in just as it is. {2}
I sat next to E. K. Chambers the other day at a committee & he wanted to know when I was going to do my promised article for you. But I think you have quite enough about Shakespeare for No. I & I will really try & get something done for No. II. I rejoice to hear that you are hoping to print in the autumn & I think it is quite a good notion to date it Jan 1925. I am here until Aug. 22nd, after which we go away for three weeks.
Yours ever
J. Dover Wilson
{1} The Board of Education.
{2} See Review of English Studies, i (1925), 1–3.
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