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- 3 Apr. 1912 (Production)
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Penrhôs, Holyhead.—Repays a gambling debt. Is sorry he can’t come to Penrhôs. Hopes his Budget dinner was not ruined by the absence of the Prime Minister, who seems tired. Thanks him for the use of his motor-car.
Penrhôs, Holyhead
April 3rd 1912
My dear Tante I never seem to be able to remember to discharge my debts to you. Here is now the 7/ lost at Littlestone {1}, and sent in the most disgusting and unnegotiable form possible: a postal order. I came here yesterday, it took me 8½ hours of tightly wedged travelling in the most awful atmosphere of cheap tobacco, but anything would have been worth while to get here. Its at its very best, blue sea and masses of flowers, and birds and all the indispensable properties of the country. The only blot is no verbena yet. I wish you could have come over one of the Sundays we are here, it is a bore that its so far from London. I hope you’ll have a peaceful delicious time with your family, its fun for you all having an extra day. Your friend Mrs Tyrrell is not coming here so you arent missing so much.
I hope your Budget dinner {2} was fun and not ruined by the absence of the P.M. I am afraid he is now beginning to feel really tired.
I owe you a Collins for your motor all last week and Thank you so much for 3 delicious drives. I am sure White must think you are terribly put upon by all your friends and must faint when he sees us all packing in.
Venetia Stanley
I’ve seen 10 oyster catchers, 2 sheldrake a heron, a cormorant, & several jackdaws. Does it make your mouth water?
Written in pencil.
{1} Littlestone-on-Sea, a coastal village in Kent, on the edge of Romney Marsh. Bartholomew’s Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles (1914) describes it as ‘a rising and fashionable watering-place, with marine parade and good hotels. There are excellent golf links.’
{2} The Budget was introduced the previous day, and Montagu’s dinner took place in the evening. See H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley, No. 2.