Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 Letter from Wyndham Lewis to Clive Bell Item [1913]
13 Letter from Sir John Colville to Clive Bell offering a C.B.E. with a form requesting particulars Item 6 May 1954
15 Letter from Duncan [Grant] to Clive Bell Item 10 Apr 1963
17 Letter from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 2 Feb 1964
18 Letter from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 15 Feb 1964
22 Letter from Raymond [Mortimer] to Clive Bell Item 30 Apr 1963
24 Letter from J.H.B. Phillips to Clive Bell Item 21 Nov 1938
25 Letter from G[raham] Bell to Clive Bell with a drawing Item [1939]
28 Letter from H. Alan Clodd to Clive Bell Item 21 Jul 1959
34 'Hard times and standards', Clive Bell, The New Republic, Item 25 Oct 1922
36 'Elegance down the ages' review of Petronius: the Satyricon, by Clive Bell in The Nation and the Athenaeum Item 19 May 1923
38 'Lytton Strachey', Clive Bell, The New Statesman Item 4 Aug 1923
43 'The tragedy of Gainsborough', Clive Bell, The Listener Item 26 Feb 1936
46 'Art in the planned state', Clive Bell, Forum, vol. 97 Item May 1937
48 'Paris', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation, Item 26 Jun 1937
49 'Since Cézanne: epilogue', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation, two copies Item 8 Jan, 30 Jan 1938
51 'The unacademic academy', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 21 May 1938
54 'Cubism and functionalism', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation, two copies Item 12 Nov 1938
60 'To Byron', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 17 Jun 1939
66 'Roman portraits', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 26 Oct 1940
67 'Gertler', Clive Bell, New Statesman and Nation Item 24 May 1941
76 The Times Item 17 Oct 1938
78 The Times Item 10 Dec 1938
1 Chapters, books and articles Series [1914–47]
5 Correspondence and presscuttings Series 1907–64
6 Manuscript of Untitled [Patriotism] Item [Oct 1914]
7 Manuscript of 'Young Mr Britling' Item [Sep 1914]
12 Typescript of 'Phocion' Item [?1939]
14 Typescript of 'That judges are wise and sober and that Lords are not' Item [1937]
17 Typescript of 'The other way' [a pre war duet] File [n.d.]