Papers of Clive Bell

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
126 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [13 May 1954]
127 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1956]
128 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [1956]
132 Postcard from Clive Bell to Vanessa Bell Item [11 Apr 1957]
135 Picture of Pierre Loti stuck on a decorated card. from [ ] to Quentin Bell Item [n.d.]
144 Postcard from Duncan Grant to Clive Bell Item 30 Sep [1963]
148 Postcard from John and Véra Russell to Clive Bell Item [30 [ ] 1957]
184 Postcard from Julian [Bell] to Clive Bell Item [2 Nov 1934]
186 Postcard from Barbara [Bagenal] to Clive Bell Item Sun [5 Dec 1948]
195 Postcard from Gina [ ] to Clive Bell Item [5 Nov 1945]
197 Postcard from Jeanette [ ] to her parents Item Jul 1918
199 Strip of photographs with a note on back Item [n.d.]
201 Postcard from Pablo Picasso to Clive Bell Item 16 [ ] 1958
202 Postcard from Mary Pakenham to Clive Bell Item 2 Jan 1937
204 Postcard from Mary Pakenham to Clive Bell Item [4 Feb 1944]
215 Postcard from Quentin Bell to Clive Bell Item 19 [ ] [ ]
218 Postcard from V[anessa] [Bell] to Clive Bell Item 20 Nov [1948]
222 Postcard from K[enneth] [Clark] to Clive Bell Item [10 Nov 1939]
223 Postcard from K[enneth] [Clark] to Clive Bell Item [28 Jun 1944]
224 Postcard from K[enneth] [Clark] to Clive Bell Item [30 Oct 1958]
227 Postcard from Maud R[ ] to Clive Bell Item 17 May 1958
229 Postcard from Leigh [ ] to Clive Bell Item [3 May 1951]
235 Postcard from T.S. E[liot] to Clive Bell Item [4 Nov 1937]
243 Postcard from Harold [Nicolson] to Clive Bell Item [18 Feb 1933]
245 Postcard from A[ndré] Dunoyer de Segonzac] to Clive Bell Item 24 Dec 1959
248 Postcard from Jenny de Margerie to Clive Bell Item 22 Dec 1948
257 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item Tues [1938]
259 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [7 Oct 1938]
263 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item [1938]
264 Postcard from Frances Partridge to Clive Bell Item 8 May [1946]