Papers of Edwin Montagu

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
9 Copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 11 Oct. 1921
5 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 18 Oct. 1921
2 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 20 Oct. 1921
3 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 21 Oct. 1921
9 Copy of a letter by Edwin Montagu to David Lloyd George, also sent, mutatis mutandis, to Lord Curzon and Austen Chamberlain Item 25 Oct. 1921
20 Copy of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 1 Nov. 1921
24 Telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 2 Nov. 1921
7 Telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 17 Dec. 1921
8 (i) Memorandum from Edwin Montagu to S. K. Brown, with (ii) Brown's reply Item 19 Dec. 1921
1 Copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 18 Dec. 1921
3 Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading, in the hand of S. K. Brown, [20 Dec. 1921]. Item [20 Dec. 1921]
4 Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item [20 Dec. 1921]
1a Circular letter issued by Thomas Jones Item 20 Dec. 1921
1 Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading, in the hand of Austen Chamberlain Item [20 Dec. 1921]
5 Telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 23 Dec. 1921
8 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 28 Dec. 1921
4a Memorandum from S. K. Brown to Edwin Montagu Item 28 Dec. 1921
4b Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading, in the hand of S. K. Brown Item 28 Dec. 1921
5 Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item [c. 30 Dec. 1921]
10 Printed copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 23 Nov. 1921
13 Printed copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 15 Dec. 1921
4 Printed copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 24 Nov. 1921
9 Copy of a telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 1 Feb. 1922
2 Extract from a letter from Lord Ronaldshay to Edwin Montagu Item 22 Dec. [1921]
9 Extract from a letter from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 12 Jan. 1922
2 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 14 Apr. 1919
3 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 14 Apr. 1919
5 Copy of a telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 14 Apr. 1919
13 Telegram from Lord Chelmsford to Edwin Montagu Item 20 Apr. 1919
1 Cutting from The Times, containing an article headed 'Grave Riots in India' Item 15 Apr. 1919