Papers of Edwin Montagu

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
5 Two copies of a letter from Lord Bryce to H. H. Asquith Item 11 Feb. 1914
6 Certificate of the marriage of Edwin Montagu and Venetia Stanley at the West London Synagogue Item 26 July 1915
8 Portrait photograph of Margot and Anthony Asquith, by E. O. Hoppé Item 1917
5 ‘Indian Diary’, and related papers File 1917-18
2 Newspaper cuttings concerning riots in India File 15–16 Apr. 1919
4 Unmarked file File 16–22 Apr. 1919
21 Unmarked item File 30 Dec. 1919
22 Unmarked item File 1919
25 Unmarked file File 16 Feb.–1 Mar. 1920
27 Unmarked file File 10 Mar.–11 Apr. 1920
1a Copy of a letter from C. H. Kisch to Philip Kerr Item 21 Apr. 1919
4 Copy of a minute from J. W. Hose to Sir Malcolm Seton Item 16 Jan. 1920
6 Draft of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item [c. 16 Jan. 1920]
9 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 22 Jan. 1920
21 Copy of a telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Chelmsford Item 27 Jan. 1920
27 File label, marked 'Private File', with a note by Sir William Duke Item 18 Feb. 1920
1 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 3 Nov. 1921
3 Telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 11 Dec. 1921
4 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 12–13 Dec. 1921
5 Telegram from Edwin Montagu to Lord Reading Item 14 Dec. 1921
6 Telegram from Lord Reading to Edwin Montagu Item 15 Dec. 1921
9 Slip bearing references to certain pages Item [c. 16 Dec. 1921]
1 Unmarked file File 9 June–14 Nov. 1921
2 Unmarked file File 27 July–12 Aug. 1921
6 Unmarked file File 30 Aug.–1 Sept. 1921
7 Unmarked file File 5–17 Sept. 1921
8 Unmarked file File 3–11 Oct. 1921
12 File marked ‘Treatment of Political Prisoners’ File 3 Nov.–16 Dec. 1921
19 Unmarked item File 18 Dec. 1921
26 File of ‘Extracts regarding the General Situation in India’ File 20 Dec. 1921–13 Jan. 1922