Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
87 Obituaries and biographical writings: J. R. Oppenheimer File [1963?]
94 Requests for lectures and papers File 1961
101 Requests for lectures and papers File 1979 and n.d.
102-103 Correspondence with publishers and editors: A File 1948–1973
106 Correspondence with publishers and editors: University of Chicago Press File 1957–1960
107a Correspondence with publishers and editors: Clarendon Press, Oxford File 1947, 1971
108 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Contemporary Physics File 1959–1979
115 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Hutchinson's University Library - Muster File 1954–1974
116 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Nature - T. Nelson and Sons File 1931–1964
118-120 Correspondence with publishers and editors:New Scientist File 1957–1979
121 Correspondence with publishers and editors: New York Times - The Observer File 1964–1977
125 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Pergamon Press Limited File 1953–1977
131 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Victoria Publications - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft File 1957–1978
136 Pamphlets, declarations, etc. on nuclear warfare, security, C.N.D. File n.d.
149 'Über die Absorption der langsamen Neutronen' by E. Amaldi and E. Fermi Item [1935]
159 M. von Laue's speech on the occasion of the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the discovery of nuclear fission by O. Hahn and F. Strassmann in December 1938. File 17 Dec. 1956
163 'James Franck (1882-1964)' by L. Meitner. Research notes Item 1964
166 Reprints by Frisch, copies of Nature with articles File
12-13 Diary/notebook Item 1943
25 Diary/notebook Item 1957–1961
28 Diary/notebook Item 1960–1966
30 Diary/notebook Item 1970–1977
32 Diary/notebook Item c 1945
34 Notebook kept by Frisch's parents' on his progress as a baby Item 1904–1921
36 Exercise book Item c 1920
37 Sketchbook Item 1921
47 Documents File 1927–1935
53 Correspondence re Frisch's appearance before Aliens Tribunal, registration on Central Register, etc. File Sept.-Nov. 1939
54 Brief financial correspondence, income tax assessments, post-war credits File 1940–1943
55 Correspondence re arrangements for Frisch to work with Chadwick at Liverpool File June-July 1940