Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
146 Folder of dated research notes and ideas File 1957–1970
147 Shorter undated MS notes, diagrams, ideas, etc. File n.d.
149 Miscellaneous notes by Frisch on papers or conference discussions File 1959–1978
150 Shorter correspondence and papers re the 'Eddington Group' File n.d.
163 Lectures File 1961
164 Lectures File 1962
165a Lectures File 1963
165c Lectures File 1965
179 Correspondence re theses, references, appointments, careers advice, etc. File 1949–1954
187 Folder of notes, reports, etc. re scanning devices and track-measurements for bubble chamber at CERN File 1969–1971
193 'Character Recogn.' miscellaneous notes and related offprints File n.d.
195 '2-D and 3-D Lens Trace' envelope of notes and diagrams File 1976–1978
196 Miscellaneous notes on mathematical problems, chiefly methods of calculating prime numbers File 1971-1979
205 Correspondence and designs re stationery for Laser Scan Ltd. File Mainly 1969–1971
208 Letter from H. von Halban to Frisch Item 31 May 1936
215 Copy letters from Frisch to Lise Meitner Item Feb.-June 1939
217 Copy letters from Frisch to Niels Bohr Item 15-16 Mar. 1939
218 Drafts, of 'On disintegration of heavy nuclei' by N. Bohr Item 1939
219 Correspondence with [Arthur J. V.] Gale, editor of Nature Item Feb.-May 1939
223 Typescript, 'The first operation of Nimrod to full energy' by L. B. Mullett Item 20 Sept. 1963
34 Eaton - Ehrenberg File 1963–1975
35 Eikhoff, L. File 1950–1957
37 Feather, N. File 1945-1975
43 Gang - Garlick File 1940–1974
57 Herzog - Hesse File 1945–1977
59 Hill - Hirsch File 1953–1977
70 Jones - Jungk File 1948–1977
73 Koch - Kopfermann File 1949–1964
74-76 Kowarski, L. and Kowarski, K. File 1946–1978
89 Mott, N. F. and others File 1946–1963