Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
13 Material relating to "Three Plays" File 1931
27 Box 27 Series c 1929-c 1950
4 Reviews of "From the Chinese", edited by R. C. Trevelyan File 1945
5 Notebook with draft of "Maya" by R. C. Trevelyan Item 1880s-1930s?
11 Notebook with draft of R. C. Trevelyan's "The Birth of Parsival", Act IV Item 1904?
13 Notebook with draft of R. C. Trevelyan's "The Birth of Parsival", part of Act III, and other works Item 1904?
15 Notebook with draft poems by R. C. Trevelyan, including some from "Mallow and Asphodel"; letters from Elsbeth Philipps and to Thomas Sturge Moore Item c 1897
1 Notebook Item 1890s-1900s?
2 Notebook Item 1930s?
4 Notebook with translation of Montaigne III.V and I.XXVI by R. C. Trevelyan Item 1930s?
13 Notebook with draft of R. C. Trevelyan's "The New Parsifal: An Operatic Fable", prologue and Act I Item c 1912
21 Exercise book with diary by R. C. Trevelyan Item Aug-Sept 1923
25 Notebook with draft of play about Prometheus by R.C. Trevelyan Item undated [1900s?]
1 Notebook with part draft of R. C. Trevelyans "Sulla" Item c 1930
14 Notebook with draft of "Meleager" by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1924
15 Notebook with draft of "Meleager" by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1924
17 Notebook with translation of Aeschylus's "Choephoroi" by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1920
31 Box 31 Series 1898 - 1950
2 Notebook with translation of Homer and draft letter to Claude Colleer Abbott Item c 1950
7 Exercise book with part of a translation of Vondel's "Lucifer" by R. C. Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan Item 1909?
9 Notebook with draft of R. C. Trevelyan's "Cecilia Gonzaga" Item c 1898
10 Notebook with various draft works by R. C. Trevelyan, several about Coryat Item 1930s?
12 Drafts of early works by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1898
14 Notebook with translation of Lucretius's "De Rerum Natura" VI by R. C. Trevelyan, and other drafts Item c 1933
15 Notebook with draft of a talk on Leopardi, biographical notes on Sir Donald Tovey, essays from "Windfalls"etc Item 1940s?
16 Notebook with notes for talk on Leopardi, biographical notes on Clifford Allen and Donald Tovey, plus other pieces Item 1940s?
18 Notebook with translations from Leopardi and Propertius, draft poems and other work Item 1940s?
19 Notebook with translation by R. C. Trevelyan of Virgil's "Georgics" Item c 1944
21 Notebook with drafts of "Thamyris" and "Cheiron" by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1925-1927
3 Notebook with translations of Euripides' "Medea" by R. C. Trevelyan Item c 1930?