Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
92 Topley and Wilson [Microbiology and Microbial Infections] update (2001) File 5 June 2000–17 July 2001
94 Topley and Wilson [Microbiology and Microbial Infections] 10th Edition (2003) File 24 July 2002–7 Sept. 2005
98 Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences (2009) File 7 Aug.–9 Dec. 2009
2 Pathological Society papers, read at Liverpool and Cambridge - tables File July 1951
6 'Plates and negatives used in Rous Virus paper to MRC and Brit.J. Cancer' File Jan.–Feb. 1956
14 Slide sets for conferences, meetings, and papers [8] File Jan.–Nov. 1965
16 Slide sets for conferences, meetings, and papers [9] File 1966
18 Illustrations for papers with listings and descriptions File 1951–1976
20 Published illustrations File 1964–1968
6 'Lantern slides, probably of viruses and cells' File c. 1950–1970
7 'Giemsa Cell lines.' File May 1965
11 Electron micrographs and Pfizer PTA Virus Prep File c. 1964–1968
12 'Spares of ATPose? Slides sent to Klaus' File Apr. 1963
13 Slides of viruses and cells, Yvonne Barr and Bert Achong, and Watson and Crick File c. 1965–1990
5 Collected reprints: Numbers 101-140 File 1976–1981
2 143: Nature File 1981–1982
4 146: Cancer Research File 1981–1982
8 156: Journal of Virological Methods File 1982–1983
11 168: Biology of Cancer File 1983–1984
13 171: Clinical and Experimental Immunology File 1983–1986
23 196: Burkitt's Lymphoma: A Human Cancer Model File 1986
26 205: Nature File 1986–1988
27 206: The Lancet File 1986–1987
29 213: Herpes and Papilloma Viruses File 1988–1989
31 226: Blood Cells File 1994
33 Various request slips relating to the Epstein-Barr virus and Burkitt's lymphoma File 1981–1989
1 Index cards: A-D File 1866–2009
2 Index cards: E-H File 1889–2001
5 Unidentified video Item c. 1980-1990
7 Gardiner Foundation International Award, Toronto, Canada Item 1988