Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Teaching notes File 1972–16 Mar. 1990
7 [CLOSED] Cancer studies [2] File 1 May 1985–11 July 2008
10 [CLOSED] Wolfson College, Oxford: Advisees File 3 Sept. 1987–12 Dec. 1996
5 Chair of Pathology Appointment, Bristol University File 3 Oct. 1967–4 Dec. 1995
8 Expenses for subscriptions and society memberships File 2 Jan. 1964–13 Aug. 1985
9 'Pending' File 30 Jan. 1995–24 Feb. 1999
3 Reviews of papers File 10 Jan. 1981–Aug. 2012
3 Book reviews File 20 Dec. 1978–5 Apr. 2006
1 BBC and other media organizations File 19 June 1969–30 Nov. 2009
7 Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research, Vol. 3 chapter File 10 Aug. 1983–31 Oct. 1986
10 Contributors: Vol. V File 12 Mar. 1964–1968
20 Contributors: Vol. XV–XVI File 4 Nov. 1971–22 Sept. 1976
23 Contributors: Vol. XIX File 25 Oct. 1976–3 Apr. 1979
28 Contributors: Vol. XXV File 6 Jan. 1981–14 Feb. 1984
30 Contributors: Vol. XXVIII File 25 Jan. 1984–27 June 1985
3 Anticancer Research File 27 Dec. 1982–22 Jan. 1990
4 Intervirology File 22 Sept. 1978–23 Apr. 1981
1 Meeting invitations refused File 13 Oct. 1980–21 Nov. 1991
1 [CLOSED] Mrs Hicks, research assistant in electron microscopy File 20 Sept. 1957–30 July 1991
2 [CLOSED] Miss Yvonne Barr, research assistant File 30 Jan. 1961–Dec. 1999
3 Dr Bert G. Achong, experimental pathologist File 10 May 1963–12 June 1997
8 Peter Herdson, laboratory visitor File 9 Jan. 1963–16 Jan. 1970
11 [CLOSED] Management of staff File 27 Aug. 1982–12 Nov. 1985
7 USSR (1963) File 5 July 1962–29 July 1963
9 Paris, France (1964) File 18 Nov. 1963–28 June 1964
17 Czechoslovakia (1967) File 3 June 1966–21 July 1967
18 Uganda (1968) File 28 Feb. 1966–17 June 1969
20 Italy (1969) File 22 Apr. 1969–7 Oct. 1970
26 Mexico (1971) File 14 Jan. 1971–11 Apr. 1972
29 Hershey, PA, USA (1971) File 22 September–1 Nov. 1971