Papers of Sir Anthony Epstein

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
22 Charing Cross Medical Research Centre Steering and Scientific Co-ordinating and Policy Committees File 18 Sept. 1984–29 Jan. 1988
24 Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine and Scientific Advisory Committee File 16 Sept. 1985–25 May 2000
26 Bristol Scientific Club, Association of Professors of Pathology, British Biophysical Society File 11 Oct.–19 Dec. 1985
28 University Grants Committee (UGC) Biological Committee File 28 Jan. 1988–17 May 1989
32 European Association for Medical Research File 19 June 1990
34 Fellow of University College London File 13 Nov. 1991–20 May 2004
35 Academy of Medical Sciences File 17 Dec. 1997–10 Aug. 2012
1 [CLOSED] Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) File 9 May 1988–7 Oct. 2011
3 Phase II and Southwood Working Party Statements of the Southwood Working Party File 1998–7 Dec. 1999
5 Refutation and Before and After Manners, 17 December 1998 File 4 Dec. 1998–17 Mar. 1999
3 MD Thesis, Trinity College, Cambridge File 1951
4 DPhil Thesis, University of London File 1952
5 DSc published work, University of London File 1963
7 Balding, Yvonne Margaret (née Barr): DPhil Thesis, Bland-Sutton Institute of Pathology File 1966
8 Wills, Edward John: publication, Bland-Sutton Institute of Pathology File 1968
9 Probert, [Michael]: DPhil Thesis, University of Bristol File 1972
10 Morgan, D.G.: D.Phil. Thesis, University of Bristol File 1975
11 Trumper, Patricia A.: DPhil Thesis, University of Bristol File 1977
7 Electron micrographs of sectioned Rous virus for papers (1957) File 15 Apr. 1957–24 Sept. 1957
11 Rous Virus and Knife Holder papers (1958) File 12 Dec. 1958–16 May 1961
12 Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology electron microscopy papers File 26 May 1961–30 May 1962
21 Review papers (1963) File June–Apr. 1964
24 Myxovirus ATPase for paper (1964) File 8 Oct. 1964–27 Oct. 1965
28 Review papers (1966) File 10 Aug. 1965–5 Sept. 1967
29 New Guinea lymphoma papers (1967) File 1 June 1967–26 Jan. 1968
30 Epstein-Barr virus immunofluorescence papers (1967) File 11 Aug. 1967–8 Sept. 1969
41 Review papers (1972–1974) File 29 June 1971–13 Dec. 1974
48 Review papers (1975 and 1976) File 26 Nov. 1974–17 Dec. 1976
51 The Lancet Infectious mononucleosis paper (1977) File 16 Feb. 1977–29 Nov. 1977
52 Annual Review of Microbiology and Ito's book File 31 Jan. 1977–6 Oct. 1978