Papers of the Monk and Sanford families

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
38 Letter from Julia Monk to Alice Berrington Item 22 Feb 1945
44 Letter from Julia Monk to Alice Berrington Item 21 Jun 19[45]
49 Letter from Julia Monk to Alice Berrington Item 20 Dec 1945
50 Letter from Julia Monk to Alice Berrington Item 26 Dec 1945
51 Letter from M Basham to Alice Berrington Item 23 Nov 1949
2 Speech by Berrington outlining the ARP situation in Usk Item [23 May 1938]
6 'Warden's Warbles: some thoughts on ARP' by J D Berrington, reprinted from the Abergavenny Chronicle Item 14 Oct 1938
2 Letter from Stephen Sanford to Henry Sanford Item 16 Oct 1944
2 Letter from Olga Sanford to Judith Wilberforce Item 27 Dec [1931]
5 Letter from H R Luard to Charles James Monk Item 31 Jan 1858
10 Deighton Bell and Co. to Charles James Monk Item 5 Jun 1858
12 Papers received as executor of the will of Clara Waddington Series 1869–90
5 Extract from a sermon by Henry Holden concerning George Waddington Item 1869
D Papers of Julia Pandia Monk née Ralli Subfonds 1860–65
3 Letter from W H Lecky to Jane Emily Monk Item n.d.
8 Letter from Sir Henry Layard to Jane Emily Monk Item 12 Jul [ ]
10 Letter from J P Norris to [JEM] Item 4 Jun 1872
13 Letter from G E Street to [JEM] Item 22 Aug 1872
18 Letter from Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen to Jane Emily Monk Item 19 Jul 1899
1 Letter from G F Watts to "Miss Monk" Item 3 Jul 1861
2 Letter from G E Street to G F Watts Item 11 Jul 1861
3 Letter from C J Monk to Emily Monk Item 30 Nov 1863
7 Letter from C J Monk to Penelope Anna Monk Item 24 Feb 1864
9 Letter from G E Street to "Miss Monk" Item 17 Apr 1890
10 Letter from P R Betteridge to H A Sanford Item 18 Apr 1986
6 Letter from Alice Sanford to Constance Sanford Item 5 Nov 1908
12 Letter from Alice Sanford to Constance Sanford Item 1 Dec 1908
13 Letter from Alice Sanford to Constance Sanford Item 5 Dec 1908
16 Julia Monk to Constance Sanford Item 19 Dec 1908
17 Letter from Alice Sanford to Constance Sanford Item 20 [Dec] 1908