Personal and biographical material

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
7 Letters from Edgar Douglas Adrian to D H Robertson File 1942–49
11 Alastair Andrew to D H Robertson Item 1930s
18 Letters from J M Barrie to D H Robertson with a letter regarding them from Peter Davis Item 1915–21, 57
19 Letter from A C Benson to D H Robertson Item 19 Nov 1914
20 Letter from Frank Birch to D H Robertson Item 31 Dec 1923
21 Letter from Ian Blacker to D H Robertson Item 24 Feb 1938
22 Letter from Rowland Roberts Blades, Baron Ebbisham to D H Robertson Item 1 Jan 1953
23 Letter from Charles Bosanquet to D H Robertson Item 23 Jan 1953
24 Letter from Adrian Boult to D H Robertson Item 23 Sep 1944
26 Letter from C D Broad to D H Robertson Item 1961–63
37 Letter from Francis Cunning-Brice to D H Robertson Item 8 Feb 1953
40 Letter from G Lowes Dickinson to D H Robertson, c 1930, with two notes from E M Forster and a note by D H Robertson Item 1930–59
42 Letter from D H Robertson to M Dornan Item 16 Jan 1959
44 Letter from Margaret Eady to D H Robertson Item 28 Jan 1962
49 Letter from Outram Evennett to D H Robertson Item [1938]
55 Letters from Nora Goldney and Phyllis Green, friends of Gerda Robertson, to D H Robertson with a note from DHR File 1943–45, 62
56 Letters from Marius Goring to D H Robertson Item 1935, 62
62 Letter from John Henderson to D H Robertson Item 9 Mar 1945
64 Letters from Frank Hollins to D H Robertson Item 1956, 60
66 Letter from Ray Howard et al to D H Robertson Item 3 May 1951
69 Jack Hulbert to D H Robertson Item n.d.
70 Letter from Henry Jackson to D H Robertson Item Nov 1909
71 Letter from Eric James to D H Robertson Item 5 Jan 1944
73 Letter from Lydia Keynes to D H Robertson Item 1929
76 Letter from Ronald Knox to D H Robertson Item 1910
80 Letter from H E Luxmore to D H Robertson Item 1926
82 Letter from Richard Lyttleton to D H Robertson Item 11 Jan 1953
83 Letters to Geoffrey Madan to D H Robertson with a brief obituary of DM by Cyril Asquith File 1917, 28, n.d.
84 Letter from Marjorie Marshall to D H Robertson Item [1931]
86 Letter from Reggie Martin to D H Robertson Item 26 Oct 1938