Personal and biographical material

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
6 Letters from Eric J F Adam to D H Robertson Item 1908, 16
9 Letter from Maurice Allen to D H Robertson Item 6 Jan 1953
16 Letters from George Barnes to D H Robertson File 1927-[55]
28 Letter from Bryan Buckley to D H Robertson Item 8 Oct [ ]
31 Correspondence with J R M Butler File 1910, 17
33 Letters from Will Cameron to D H Robertson Item 1923, 24
38 Letter from Jelly d'Aranyi to D H Robertson Item 3 Jan [ ]
39 Letter from Reg Davies to D H Robertson Item 12 Jan [ ]
41 Letter from A W R Don to D H Robertson Item 16 Oct 1914
45 Letter from Robert Eddison to D H Robertson Item 17 Aug 1939
47 Letter from Hubert Elliot to D H Robertson Item 1915, 61
48 Letter from Lord Esher to D H Robertson Item 29 Apr 1918
50 Letter from C Fazal to D H Robertson Item 10 Sep 1934
52 Letter from W G Fletcher to D H Robertson Item 16 Aug [ ]
59 L Barbara Hammond to D H Robertson Item 21 Jul 1932
60 Faith Henderson to D H Robertson Item 16 Mar 1952
61 Letters from Hubert Henderson to D H Robertson Item 1916–27
77 John Lehmann to D H Robertson Item 8 Dec 1930
78 Letter from Moya Llewellyn-Davies to D H Robertson Item 8 Jan 1930
96 Letter from Tressilian Nicholas to D H Robertson Item 1953
98 Letter from Mary O'Malley to D H Robertson Item 4 Jan 1953
104 Letter from Wynne Plumptre to D H Robertson Item 11 Jan 1949
115 Letter from Brian E Rose to D H Robertson Item 22 Jun 1947
127 Letter from A A Tennyson to D H Robertson Item 12 Jun 1912
128 Letters from Frank Thistlethwaite to D H Robertson Item 1930–40s
132 Letter from G M Trevelyan to D H Robertson Item 13 Oct 1940
135 Letter from Humphrey Whitbread to D H Robertson Item [1933]
136 Letter from George C White to D H Robertson Item 1957
1 Correspondence between D. H. Robertson and George VI and Henry Duke of Gloucester with a Newscutting on the unveiling of a statue of George VI [D. H. Robertson taught both George VI and the Duke of Gloucester in 1919/20] CLOSED File 1919-55
1 Photographs of D H Robertson taken while he was at Eton with a later copy of one File [1902–08]