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1 |
Review of Mulcaster’s Elementarie, ed. E. T. Campagnac (1925) |
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July 1926 |
4 |
Review of Fulgens and Lucres, by Henry Medwall, ed. F. S. Boas and A. W. Reed (1926) |
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Jan. 1927 |
7 |
Reviews of the British Museum Quarterly, Nos. 1–3 (1926), and Gutenburg to Plantin, by George Parker Winship (1926) |
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Apr. 1927 |
10 |
Review of The Year's Work in English Studies, Vol. VI (1925) |
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Oct. 1927 |
13 |
Review of The Wandering Scholars, by Helen Waddell (1927) (incomplete) |
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Apr. 1928 |
19 |
Review of The Pack of Autolycus or Strange and Terrible News ... as told in Broadside Ballads of the Years 1624–1693, ed. Hyder Edward Rollins (1927) |
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Oct. 1928 |
21 |
Review of The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, a Tale, by Samuel Johnson, ed. R. W. Chapman (1927) |
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July 1929 |
31 |
Review of Bibliographia Aberdonensis, by James Fowler Kellas Johnstone and Alexander Webster Robertson (1929) |
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Apr. 1930 |
34 |
Review of Reference Books, compiled by John Minto (1929) |
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Oct. 1930 |
37 |
Short notices of The Dunciad Variorum with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus, by Alexander Pope (facsimile) (1929), and The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. IV, Nos. 1–4 |
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Jan. 1931 |
39 |
Short notices of Winter: a Poem, by James Thomson (facsimile) (1929), and Johnson, Boswell, and Mrs Piozzi: a Suppressed Passage Restored (ed. R. W. Chapman) (1929), with a list of ‘Other Books and Pamphlets Received’ |
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Apr. 1931 |
41 |
Review of Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady’s Entrance into the World, by Frances Burney, ed. Sir Frank D. Mackinnon (1930) |
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July 1931 |
43 |
Review of Shakespeare-Jahrbuch herausgegeben im Auftrage der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Vol. LXVI (New Series, Vol. VII) (1930) |
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Oct. 1931 |
45 |
Review of The Wizard: a Play, by Simon Baylie, ed. Henry de Vocht (1930) |
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July 1932 |
47 |
Short notices of Collected Essays, Papers, etc., of Robert Bridges, Vol. V (1930), and the Huntington Library Bulletin, Nos. 1 and 2 (May and Nov. 1930) |
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July 1932 |
50b |
‘2 Henry VI. and the Contention—A Correction’ |
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July 1933 |
54 |
Short notice of Seven Letters from Charles Lamb to Charles Ryle of the East India House, 1828–1832 (1931), Apr. 1934 |
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Apr. 1934 |
56 |
Review of Points in Eighteenth-Century Verse: a Bibliographer’s and Collector’s Scrap Book, by Iolo A. Williams (1934) |
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Jan. 1935 |
63 |
Review of Shakespeare’s Hamlet: the Second Quarto, 1604 (facsimile) (1938) |
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Jan. 1939 |
64 |
Review of The First Magazine, by C. Lennart Carlson (1938) |
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Jan. 1941 |
53 |
Review of Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature, Vol. XII (1931), and The Year’s Work in English Studies, Vol. XI (1930) |
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Jan. 1934 |
5 |
Review of A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers (ed. B. M. Ward) (1926) |
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Jan. 1927 |
17 |
Short notices of The Saga and Myth of Sir Thomas More, by R. W. Chambers (1926), Shakespeare in America, by Ashley Thorndike (1927), Leopardi and Wordsworth, by Geoffrey L. Bickersteth (1927), Specimens of Shakespeariana in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (1927), and Andreas e i Fati degli Apostoli, translated by Federico Olivero (1927) |
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July 1928 |
23 |
Short notice of Three Oxford Ironies, ed. George Gordon (1927) |
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July 1929 |
27 |
Review of The Man of Feeling, by Henry Mackenzie, ed. Hamish Miles (1928) |
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Oct. 1929 |
29 |
Review of The Year’s Work in English Studies, Vol. VIII (1927) |
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Oct. 1929 |
36 |
Review of The Year's Work in English Studies, Vol. IX (1928) |
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Jan. 1931 |
40 |
'Friends of the National Libraries' |
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July 1931 |
49 |
Review of Ichabod Dawks and his ‘News Letter’, with an Account of the Dawks Family of Booksellers and Stationers, 1635–1731 (1931), and The English Newspaper (1932), both by Stanley Morison |
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Apr. 1933 |
52 |
Review of Erläuterungen und Textverbesserungen zu vierzehn Dramen Shakespeares, by Leon Kellner, ed. Walther Ebisch (1931) |
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Oct. 1933 |