Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Manuscript and typescript of 'Crisis View' for the BBC File 14 Sep 1947
2 Brief notes on distribution and employment File n.d.
4 Notebook File 1920s
9 Notes on the fact that war is not inevitable File ?pre 1939
10 Notes on income File n.d.
20 Notes on Pareto's 'Manuale di Economia Politica' File post 1957
1 Criticism of 'Problems Arising from Material Control of Economic System' File 10 Mar 1922
10 Review by G-H Bousquet of the French edition of 'Studies on the Development of Capitalism' File 1970
11 Review by [ ] of 'Welfare Economics and the Economics of Socialism. Towards a Commonsense Critique', published in 'Labour Research' File 1970
14 Review by A L Morton of 'The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism' File 4 Mar 1976
1 Manuscript of 'The Commune' File c1919–20
4 Manuscript of 'The Russian Revolution', prepared for the Pembroke College Martlets Society File 1920
7 Manuscript of 'Pros and Cons of Nationalisation' File c1921–22
8 Typescripts of 'A Course of lectures in Proletarian Culture: Marxian Economics' File Aug-Sep 1921
12 Manuscript of 'Functions of the Entrepreneur', lectures given at Cambridge University File ?1924–
14 Typescript of 'Economics of Communism" File c1924–25
16 Manuscript and typescript of 'Report on Russian Visit: Forgotten Reply to Keynes' File 1925
17 Manuscript of 'Gold Standard' File 1925
25 Manuscript of 'Working Class Politics' File 1926–28
29 Manuscript of 'Recent Developments of Industrial Organisation in Europe', given to Clare College Economic Society File 25 Jan 1927
30 Manuscripts of 5 lectures in elementary economic theory, given at Sidney Sussex College as part of a course for teachers File 17–28 Jul 1928
33 Manuscript of 'Russia', given to the Students' Union, LSE File 20 Nov 1929
35 Typescripts of 'Bourgeois and Marxian Economics' File c1930
42 Manuscript of 'Russia and the World Crisis"' File c1931–32
53 Manuscript of 'The Position of British Capitalism' given at Marx House File 14 Oct 1934
56 Manuscript 'Notes on National Liberation and Marxism' File 1935
61 Manuscript of 'The Development and Policy of the British Labour Party', prepared for the Studenter Foreningen, Copenhagen but banned by the Danish Minister of Justice and given privately: Item 23 Mar 1935
66 Manuscript of 'Development of Class Society', given at Edinburgh File Mar 1937
68 Manuscript of 'Some Features of Present Day Imperialism"', given to a WETUC Weekend School: File 28 Jun 1937
69 Manuscript of 'Marx's Analysis of Capitalism', given at Maidstone File July 1937