Level of description
Digital object |
396 |
Personal interests: Politics: Norwich and District Peace Council |
File |
1985 |
409 |
Personal interests: Politics: United Nations Association |
Item |
1986 |
410-411 |
Personal interests: Politics: World Council of Peace |
File |
1954 |
412 |
Personal interests: Politics: World Disarmament Campaign |
Item |
3 Dec 1982 |
420 |
Personal interests: Travel: Synge's hand-drawn map of rail network around Manchester |
Item |
n.d. |
434 |
Finance and business: Expenses, including for Synge's Nobel Prize trip to Scandinavia |
Item |
1952-1964 |
438 |
Miscellaneous: Papers re Synge's health |
File |
1964 |
451 |
Photographs of staff of the Rowett Institute and Synge at the 2nd International Congress of Biochemistry |
File |
1951-1952 |
454 |
Photograph of Richard L. M. Synge's children |
Item |
Oct 1954 |
460 |
Photograph of Synge family |
Item |
1963 |
461 |
Photographs, some from 14th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting |
File |
c 1963-1964 |
465 |
Photographs of Synge and others, sent to him by H. S. Corran; group photographs of Nobel laureates |
File |
1975 |
466 |
Photograph of honorary graduands, University of East Anglia, including Synge (Honorary D.Sc.). |
Item |
1976 |
467 |
Photographs: Richard and Anne Synge at Lindau (27th Nobel Laureate Meeting); Phytochemical Societies' Conference at Gent |
File |
Jun-Sept 1967 |
5 |
Biographical and personal: Article on Synge from Current Biography |
Item |
1953 |
8 |
Biographical and personal: 'Synge, Richard Laurence Millington', McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers |
Item |
1980 |
16 |
Biographical and personal: Curriculum vitae |
Item |
1959 |
17 |
Biographical and personal: Bibliographies |
Item |
1937-1999 |
18-65 |
Biographical and personal: Pocket diaries |
Item |
1926, 1945-1992 |
66-77 |
Biographical and personal: Desk diaries |
Series |
1968-1981 |
78 |
Childhood and schooldays: Account by Synge of 'A Scotch Tour June 1922' |
Item |
Jun 1922 |
81 |
Childhood and schooldays: Memorabilia of Synge's Confirmation into the Church of England |
Item |
8 Dec 1926 |
93 |
Childhood and schooldays: Old Hall Preparatory School, miscellaneous manuscript material |
Item |
n.d. |
94-97 |
Childhood and schooldays: Old Hall School Record issues |
Item |
1923-1928, 1941-1945 |
111 |
Childhood and schooldays: Winchester College calendars |
File |
1932-1933 |
112 |
Childhood and schooldays: Winchester College: re examinations and prizes |
File |
1930-1933 |
128 |
Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes |
File |
n.d. |
129 |
Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes |
File |
1935 |
130 |
Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes |
File |
n.d. |
133 |
Undergraduate: 'Practical work' |
File |
11 Oct-Nov [1935?] |