
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
115 Childhood and schooldays: Winchester College: miscellaneous receipts File n.d.
124 Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes File n.d.
126 Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes File n.d.
131 Undergraduate: Manuscript lecture and other notes File n.d.
138 Undergraduate: 'Practical work on mineral metabolism' File [1935/1936?]
141 Undergraduate: 'Course A. Easter term 1934. Experimental physiology' Item 1934
143 Undergraduate: 'Experimental physiology. Michaelmas term' Item [n.d.]
152 Undergraduate: Synge's MS notes on 'N[atural] S[ciences] T[ripos] pt II Written papers in Biochemistry (1932-1935)' File [1936?]
154 Career, Honours, and Awards: Offer of post in Sheffield working on haemophilia under Dr Timperley Item 18 Nov 1936
155 Career, Honours, and Awards: Postgraduate research File 1938-1939
159 Career, Honours, and Awards: Exchange with ICI re possible employment opportunities Item Oct 1941
160 Career, Honours, and Awards: Miscellaneous papers re anti-aircraft training and war service with the Home Guard File 1942-1944
161 Career, Honours, and Awards: Election to Life Membership of the French Société de Chimie Biologique Item 31 Aug 1945
162 Career, Honours, and Awards: Offers of appointment File 1947, 1952
163-165 Career, Honours, and Awards: Election of Synge to Fellowship of the Royal Society File 1949-1951
167 Career, Honours, and Awards: Nobel Prize for Chemistry, notification of award File 1952
183 Career, Honours, and Awards: Nobel Prize for Chemistry, material re broadcast 'Chromatography' File [1952]
191-194 Career, Honours, and Awards: Nobel Prize for Chemistry, articles and memorabilia File 1952-1953
197 Career, Honours, and Awards: John Price Wetherill Medal, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia File 1959
198 Career, Honours, and Awards: Honorary Membership, American Society of Biological Chemists; Fellowship, Royal Society of Edinburgh File 1961-1963
199 Career, Honours, and Awards: Offers of appointment File 1965
201 Career, Honours, and Awards: Honorary Membership, Royal Irish Academy; Life Fellow Membership, Franklin Institute, Pennsylvania File 1971
231 Family: Memorabilia relating to Laurence Synge's war service File
232-233 Family: Letters to Laurence Synge from fellow officers File 1917-1918
238 Family: Laurence Millington Synge: Correspondence and papers re command of Territorial Army 55th (West Lancs.) Division File 1932
247 Family: Material relating to marriage of Katherine Charlotte Swan and Laurence Millington Synge File Feb-Sept 1913
248 Family: Hotel receipts from honeymoon of Katherine Charlotte and Laurence Millington Synge File Sept 1913
262-279 Family: Letters from Katherine Charlotte and Laurence Millington Synge to their son Richard and his wife Ann File 1915-1972