Publications, lectures, and broadcasts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4-5 Drafts: 'Partial hydrolysis products derived from proteins and their significance for protein structure' File 1941-1942
6 Drafts: 'Analysis of a partial hydrolysate of gramicidin by partition chromatography with starch' File 1944
11 Drafts: '"Gramicidin S": the sequence of the amino-acids residues' File 1945-1947
16 Drafts: 'Some observations on the utilization of protein-rich supplements by sheep' File 1950
19 Drafts: 'Facts and speculations about proteins', book review of Chemistry and Biology of Proteins by F. Haurowitz File 1952
20 Drafts: 'Note on the occurrence of diaminopimelic acid in some intestinal micro organisms from farm animals' File 1952-1953
31 Drafts: Book review of Chromatographic Reviews ed. M. Lederer, for Chemistry & Industry File 1962
34 Drafts: 'A search for O-polypeptidyl-ribonucleic acids in rabbit-reticulocyte ribosomes by electrophoresis in phenol-acetic acid-water systems' File 1965
35 Drafts: 'Nutritional precept and dietary practice' File 1964-1966
37 Drafts: Foreword to book on US use of napalm in Vietnam File 1966
56 Drafts: 'Maurice William Rees 1915-1978' - photocopy of annotated obituary File [1978]
57 Drafts: 'Free and bound phenolic acids of lucerne (Medicago sativa v Europe)' File 1980
68 Drafts: 'How the Robinsons nearly invented partition chromatography in 1934' File 1991-1992
76 Translations: 'Gramicidin "S": its origin and mode of action' by G.F. Gause and M.G. Brazhnikova Item c 1943
77 Translations: 'On the chemical nature of gramicidin S'' Item c 1944
78-79 Translations: Translation by Synge of 'A review of recent work on Gramicidin S' by G.F. Gause Item 1946
93 Editorial correspondence: Analytical Biochemistry File 1959
95 Editorial correspondence: Biokhimiya File 1956
108 Editorial correspondence: Leicester University Press, Macmillan Education Ltd, Modern Quarterly File 1945-1991
114 Editorial correspondence: Samvadadhvam, Science, Shueisha Incorporated File 1948-1992
118 Editorial correspondence: Urania, World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics File 1957-1964
119 Lectures: 'How do proteins work?', 'Recent progress in protein analysis' File c 1942
121-122 Lectures: 'Les moyens chimiques d'approche de la structure des protéines', meeting of Société de Chimie Biologique, Paris File 1945
124 Lectures: Lecture at Department of Chemistry Colloquium, University of Aberdeen File 1950
125 Lectures: 'Structure and Biological Significance of Proteins', lecture course at Department of Biological Chemistry, University of Aberdeen File 1950-1951
129 Lectures: 'Chromatographic methods of separating substances', Glasgow University Alchemists' Club File 1951-1952
132 Lectures: 'Impressions of a visit to Poland', Polish Cultural Institute, London File 1952
134 Lectures: 'Protein requirements of ruminant animals', Society of Chemical Industry, Liverpool section; Invitation to lecture to Andersonian Chemical Society, Royal Technical College, Glasgow File 1952-1953
146 Lectures: 'Some recent developments in methods for separating larger molecules', Biological Chemistry Colloquium, University of Bristo File 1958-1960
147 Lectures: 'Molecular-sieve efforts for separating larger molecules', Cambridge University Natural Science Club File 1959-1960