Publications, lectures, and broadcasts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
148 Lectures: Invitation to lecture on 'Determination of amino-acid sequences in protein molecules', Bradford Institute of Technology File 1960
149 Lectures: 'The use of molecular-sieve effects for separating substances of high molecular weight', Royal Society of Edinburgh File 1960
150 Lectures: 'Proteins - what they are and what they do', Aberdeen Schools Scientific Society File 19601961
151 Lectures: 'Use of molecular-sieve effects for separating substances of high molecular weight', University of Aberdeen Chemistry Society File 1960-1961
153 Lectures: Invitation to deliver lectures to Biochemistry Department, University of Aberdeen File 1961
168 Lectures: 'Methods and Techniques [in Chromatography]', lecture course at University of East Anglia File 1984
174 Broadcasts: Untitled draft on partition chromatography annotated 'BBC Swedish service. Broadcast 7/12/53' File 1953
176 Broadcasts: Brief correspondence from Associated Television (ATV) Ltd re contribution to television programme on 'Freedom from Want' File 1961
177 'Unpublished etc': 'Protection from poison gas', book review of On Guard against Gas by H.A. Sisson and Breathe freely! The truth about poison gas by James Kendall Item c 1938
179 'Unpublished etc': 'The unmysterious universe', review of Modern Science: a study of physical science in the world today by Hyman Levy Item 1939
182 'Unpublished etc': 'Diffusible peptide-like and glycosidic constituents of ltalian rye-grass' by Synge and J.C. Wood Item 1953
183 'Unpublished etc': 'Suggested syllabus' for course on history and development of science; 'History of Science', outline for two volume book File n.d.
189-190 'Unpublished etc': 'Partial-Structure searching - some phytochemical desiderata', lecture to Information Division of the Chemical Society, University of Warwick File Sept 1978
191 'Unpublished etc': ''Chromatographic methods', review of Laboratory Handbook of Chromatographic and Allied Methods ed. by O. Mikeš Item 1979