History of physics and physicists

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Speech on J.J. Thomson and the discovery of the electron given at a Commemorative Banquet of the International Conference on Electron Physics, Baltimore, 23 April 1956 File 1956
4 'Physics yesterday and today'. File 16–18 November 1959
16 'The Early History of Electron Diffraction' File 1967
17 'The Early History of Electron Diffraction' File 1967
18 'The Early History of Electron Diffraction' File 1967
28 Miscellaneous offprints and printed matter concerning the Institute of Measurement and Control File
35 Vote of thanks to M. Blackman File 1960
37 Greetings for Niels Bohr's 70th birthday, for publication in Copenhagen Daily newspaper. File 1955
57 Information from D M B Butt for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957–58
60 Information from W S Farren for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957–58
67 Information from T.C. Keeley for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957–58
79 Obituary notice of C.J. Davisson for 'Nature' File 1958
81 Obituary notice for A S Eve File 1948
82 Notes for a talk on Michael Faraday File nd
86 Collaboration with A A Hall on the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970–72
94 Proof of the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren with manuscript amendments File c 1970-1972
95 Introductory remarks for a lecture by O R Frisch titled 'From Radioactivity to Nuclear Energy' File November 1969
96 Notes and manuscript relating to a memorial meeting for P Langevin File May 1947
100 Recommendation of Bernard Lovell and Martin Ryle for Nobel Prize in Physics, 1969, with correspondence. File 1969
103 Offprint of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of A O Rankine File 1956
104 2 short accounts of Lord Rayleigh, one prepared for Magdalene College, Cambridge File 1943
106 Typescript titled 'Rutherford' with a note 'Paris 4.11.47.' File 1947
114 Obituary notice of V.M. Turnbull for the Perse School, Cambridge, where Turnbull had been Thomson's mathematics master. File
1 'The early history of the electron'. The Pupin Lecture, Columbia University File 13 April 1956
8 'Fifty Years of Physics and Their Consequences'. Lecture at Rice University File 1962
11 'Science and Society in the Thirties'. File 1965
12 'History of the Electron'. Lecture at Nobel Prize Winners Conference, at Lindau File 1965
20 'History of Physics in the Earlier Part of this Century'. Lecture at Nobel Prize Winners Conference, Lindau File 1968
23 'The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1937'. Essay for physics volume of a series to be published by Fratelli Fabbri, Milan. File October 1968
26 Jubilee article for the Institute of Measurement and Control. File