Identity area
Reference code
- c. 1807-1814 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
2 files
Context area
Name of creator
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
The numbered papers are a.96-7, a.35-40, a.62-95 (with a blank unnumbered leaf between a.64 and a.65), a.31-2, a.41-51 (followed by a blank unnumbered leaf), a.14, a.109-14, a.98-108, d.3-8, a.131-2 (followed by two blank unnumbered leaves), d.9-69 (followed by two blank unnumbered leaves), a.115-16, a.126-7, a.119-22, a.117-18, a.124 (followed by a blank unnumbered leaf), a.130, a.128-9, a.123 (followed by a blank unnumbered leaf), a.212-25, a.233-45 (a.235 appears to have been missed out by mistake), d.70 (a printed leaf, joined to three unnumbered printed leaves), a.2-7, a.9-12, a.8, a.13 (followed by a blank unnumbered leaf), and a.15.
The headings which occur among these papers include the following:
‘Lettre. | Aux Dames’ (a.96)
‘Lettre aux Dames’ (a.35)
‘Lettres des | Deux Philantropes’ (a.62)
‘Aux Savants | Sur la Perfectibilite de LEsprit humain’ (a.41)
‘Chapitre second | sur la perfectibilité indefinie’ (unnumbered sheet)
‘dixieme époque | des progrès futurs de l’ésprit humain’ (unnumbered sheet)
‘aux Savans | Sur la perfectibilité de l’ésprit humain’ (unnumbered sheet)
‘Sur la philosophie’ (a.109)
‘Mon opinion | ou | Esquisse | d'un rapport sur l'affaire générale’ (a.98)
‘Introduction | aux | Travaux Scientifiques | du | Dix-neuvieme Siécle’ (d.3)
‘Observations générales | sur la 1re classe | des travaux Scientifiques du 18e Siécle’ (a.131)
‘introduction | aux travaux Scientifiques du | 19eme Siecle’ (unnumbered sheet)
‘introduction | aux travaux Scientifiques | du 19eme Siecle’ (d.9)
‘Premiere Partie | Livre premier | de l'univers’ (a.115)
‘Chapitre second | Considerations metaphysiques’ (a.128)
‘Chapitre troisieme | des taches du soleil’ (a.125)
‘Prospectus | d'un nouveau cours d'études Normales’ (a.212)
‘Physiques des Corps organisés | introduction’ (a.213)
‘Lettres | de | C.-H. Saint-Simon’ (printed) (d.70)
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- French
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Finding aids
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
Alternative identifier(s)
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
Genre access points
Description identifier
Institution identifier
Rules and/or conventions used
Level of detail
Dates of creation revision deletion
Description created by Blanche Darbord, 2022