Papers, pamphlets, and prints on British politics and trade

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
ff. 137-74 French translation of An Address to the Electors and other Free Subjects of Great Britain, occasion’d by the late Secession (by Benjamin Robins) (1739) Part c. 1739
ff. 5-8 ‘Explication des Estampes suivantes’ Part 1743
f. 13 Print captioned ‘In Place’ Part 1738
ff. 22-5 Printed pamphlet entitled Have At You All: being a proper and distinct reply to three pamphlets just published, intituled ‘What of That?’ , ‘The Weather-Menders’, and ‘They Are Not’, by the author of Yes, They Are (Robert Morris) Part 1740
f. 34 French translation of the first part of ‘A Letter to a Gentleman, occasion’d by his sending a Pamphlet lately published, to his Friend’, printed in the Daily Gazetteer, 15 Jan. 1742 Part c. 1742
f. 40 Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list Part 29 Apr. 1740
f. 41 Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list Part 29 Apr. 1740
ff. 70-1 Notes, in French, by Étienne de Silhouette, on the importation of tobacco into Europe via England, with a note in Portuguese recording the statement of a Monsieur de Vime on 19 Aug. 1739 Part c. 1739
ff. 72-3 Title of the next item, in French, and a blank leaf Part 1743
f. 99 The Daily Gazetteer Part 15 Jan. 1742
f. 110 Title of the next item, in French Part 1743
f. 133 Description of the next item, in French Part 1743
f. 175 Description of the next item, in French Part 1743
ff. 214-34 French translation of part of A Letter from a Member of the last Parliament to a new Member of the present, concerning the Conduct of the War with Spain (1742) Part c. 1742
f. 240 Description of the next two items, in French Part 1743
ff. 241-6 Printed pamphlet entitled A Report from the Committee of Secrecy appointed to enquire into the Conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford Part 1742
ff. 247-81 Printed pamphlet entitled A Further Report from the Committee of Secresy appointed to enquire into the Conduct of Robert, Earl of Orford Part 1742