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Various research papers (not by Thomson) relating to the work of the MAUD Committee
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1 bundle
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Histoire archivistique
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Portée et contenu
:'Evidence for a potentially divergent nuclear reaction chain in a system, below the critical size, containing U and D'. Typescript by H. Halban and L. Kowarski. n.d., c.1941.
'Some notes on the Halifax Explosion', by H.L. Bronson (reprint).
'Preliminary report on work carried out in Liverpool'. Typescript, no author or date.
'Ellis' experiments on the abs. levels of Ur.'. Typescript by C.D. Ellis, 26 January 1940, with ms. title added later by Thomson.
'Uranium bomb'. Typescript, no author or date. Discusses possibility of a uranium bomb.
'Splitting of the uranium nucleus'. Duplicated typescript, no author or date. c.1940.