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- 1 Nov. 1563 (Produção)
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1 single sheet
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Richard Mynsterley, one of the messengers of the Queen’s Chamber, asks for an allowance of £5 16d. for riding at the command of the Lord High Treasurer (the Marquess of Winchester) from the Treasurer’s place at London to Bedford and Buckingham to deliver ten letters to the lords and collectors there, and from thence to Warwickshire to deliver seven letters to the lords and collectors there, and from thence to Nottingham and Derby to deliver four letters to the lords and collectors there, and from thence to Staffordshire to deliver four letters to the lords and collectors there and a packet to the sheriff of that place, and from thence to Shropshire to deliver three letters to the collector there. Mynsterley asks for an allowance for his charges and pains to be rated by the Treasurer at 2s. 8d. a day and paid by one of the tellers of the Receipt at Westminster. ‘I was xxxviij dayes out in thys Jorney.’
(Marked ‘fiat All[ocatum]’, and signed by the Marquess of Winchester.)
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- inglês
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Tipped into Crewe MS 27 (f. 32r).