Pièce 636 - Artefacts found in a wall in Staircase G, Nevile's Court, Trinity College

Zone d'identification


Add. MS a/636


Artefacts found in a wall in Staircase G, Nevile's Court, Trinity College


  • 1914-1938 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

5 items: paper, wallboard, fabric and metal

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Nom du producteur

Nom du producteur

Notice biographique

Nom du producteur

Histoire archivistique

Found by the Trinity College Works Department behind a wall in a room in Staircase G, Nevile's Court, 26 June 2014.

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Four items dating from the beginning of World War I accompanied by a later item referencing the discovery and decision to leave them in situ. The four items are a sheet of paper, two news cuttings, and a patriotic rosette pin. The sheet of paper carries the signatures of P. J. Wesson, painter, and P. B. Arnold and F. Orriss, paperhangers, and is dated 31 Oct. 1914, "1st Eastearn Hospital Trinity Coll. for wounded". One news cutting is a fragment of the front page of The Daily Sketch dated 9 Oct. 1914 with a photograph of wounded soldiers captioned "Wounded But Still Unconquered" with the added caption in red ink below, "they came to this Colledge", with red ink blood added to soldiers in the photograph. A second cutting shows George V in uniform. Accompanied by a square of wallboard dated 18 July 1938 and signed by W. R. Edwards carpenter for Coulson & Sons Cambridge, who explains the earlier items have been left for a later discovery, and adds "We are now busy getting ready for the next 'War to end all War.'"

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d’accès

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

    Script of material

      Language and script notes

      Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

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      Related units of description

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      Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


      Mots-clés - Sujets

      Mots-clés - Lieux

      Mots-clés - Noms

      Mots-clés - Genre

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      Niveau de détail

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