Zone d'identification
Chapter VI: Wave Vectors
- Mar.–Dec. 1943 (Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
45 single sheets (ff. 6∙1–6∙45)
Zone du contexte
Nom du producteur
Histoire archivistique
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
§ 51. Idempotency.
§ 52. Standard form of idempotent vectors.
§ 53. Spectral sets.
§ 54. Table of symbolic coefficients.
§ 55. The wave identities.
§ 56. Matrix representation of E-numbers.
§ 57. Factorisation of E-numbers.
§ 58. Wave tensors.
§ 59. Phase space.
§ 60. Space tensors of the second rank.
§ 61. The quantum-classical analogy.
§ 62[a]. Space tensors of the second rank.
§ 62[b]. The symbolic frame in relative space.
§ 63. Reality conditions in relative space.
(Drafted Mar. 1943, revised Dec. 1943. The chapter number has been altered in pencil to ‘VII’.)
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Conditions d’accès
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques
Finding aids
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Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
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