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Código de referência
Add. MS a/201/113
Letter from Charles Brooke
- 4 July 1848 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
4 pp
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Âmbito e conteúdo
29 Keppel Street - CB learned from Mr Thompson that the building [magnetic observatory] could be up by the end of this month. This would have suited CB. However he has received WW's letter informing him not to proceed at present. CB would not have troubled WW about prompt payment [see CB to WW, 27 June 1848] but his professional practice has been compromised. All the amounts for the instruments will be ready in a fortnight when he will transmit to WW the remainder of the account. The final sum will not exceed the original estimate. CB will write again respecting remuneration from the Government after he has spoken to George Airy.