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- c 1947-c 1955 (Produção)
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1 item; typescript copy
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Hotel Lutetia, 45, Boulevard Raspail, Paris (6e). Dated 6 February 1923 - Is sorry to hear he has been ill; the 'Argonauts of the Western Pacific' has gotten a unanimous chorus of praise; values his opinion and thanks him for kinds words of the abridged GB; is in Paris, Lilly is making a French translation of the abridged GB and he is making an English translation of Ovid's Fasti for the Loeb Library, with glimpses of old Roman religion 'but most of the points in it have been threshed out already'; went to an interesting meeting of the Ecole d'Anthropologie, with [Louis] Capitan reading a paper of a cave discovered by Count Begouin [Begouen] in Southern France, and a communication about a tribe, the Habes, in the valley of the Niger, who have many taboos; [Alfred] Haddon doesn't have many anthropological students at Cambridge and speaks well of the new Curator of the Anthropological Museum, [L. C. G.] Clarke; [John] Roscoe's first volume should be out soon, it is interesting and valuable; is glad [Edvard] Westermarck is writing more on Morocco; hope to settle in a house being built for them in Cambridge in the autumn.
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Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Malinowski, Bronisław Kasper (1884-1942) anthropologist (Assunto)
- Frazer, Lilly (? 1855-1941), writer and translator, wife of Sir James George Frazer (Assunto)
- Begouen, Henri Napoléon (1893-1956) Comte, French prehistorian (Assunto)
- Capitan, Louis (1854-1929) French anthropologist and prehistorian (Assunto)
- Haddon, Alfred Cort (1855-1940) anthropologist (Assunto)
- Clarke, Louis Colville Gray (1881-1960) archaeologist and anthropologist (Assunto)
- Roscoe, John (1861-1932) clergyman, anthropologist (Assunto)
- Westermarck, Edvard Alexander (1862–1939) anthropologist, sociologist, and philosopher (Assunto)