Zona de identificação
Código de referência
- c 1947-c 1955 (Produção)
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1 item; typescript copy
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 22 September, 1901 - Agrees that they should get [George McCall] Theal's authority for South African totemism, asks Hartland to write as he abhors correspondence, especially with a stranger; has had letters from Baldwin Spencer on the totemism of the Kaitish, and his [and Alfred Howitt's] dislike of [Andrew] Lang's use of Howitt's statements; Frazer believes that [Henry] Roth feels the same way about Lang's use of his writings; Frazer has not read Lang's book but has found him obtuse on the subject of Spencer and Gillen's writings, and [E. B.] Tylor went so far as to suggest to George Macmillan that the chapter of 'intichima ceremonies' be curtailed, to which Frazer strenously objected; benefited from his visit to Wiesbaden to see [Hermann] Pagenstecher about his eyes; thanks him for the [F. B.] Jevons articles on the science of religion, finds that the discovery that totemism is probably not a religion but a system of magic has badly affected his argument, was aware of the blows he was giving Jevons' arguments when he wrote his articles on totemism.
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Instrumentos de descrição
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Nota de publicação
Published in Ackerman, Robert, ed. 'Selected Letters of Sir J. G. Frazer'. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2005].
Zona das notas
Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Hartland, Edwin Sidney (1848–1927) folklorist (Assunto)
- Lang, Andrew (1844–1912), anthropologist (Assunto)
- Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett (1832-1917) Knight, anthropologist (Assunto)
- Jevons, Frank Byron (1858-1936) polymath and administrator at Durham University (Assunto)
- Theal, George MCall (1837-1919) South African historian (Assunto)
- Spencer, Sir Walter Baldwin (1860–1929) Knight, biologist and anthropologist (Assunto)
- Gillen, Francis James (1855-1912) Australian anthropologist and ethnologist (Assunto)
- Macmillan, George Augustin (1855-1936), publisher (Assunto)
- Howitt, Alfred William (1830–1908) anthropologist (Assunto)
- Roth, Henry Ling (1855-1925) anthropologist (Assunto)
- Pagenstecher, Hermann (1844-1932) German opthalmologist (Assunto)