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Código de referência
Add. MS b/37/143-144
Two copy letters from J. G. Frazer to John Roscoe
- c 1947-c 1955 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
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2 items; typescript copies
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 23-24 November 1920 - On the 23rd, he writes he has heard that a long account of the expedition was published in 'The Daily Mail' and is sorry to hear that such a 'low and vulgar paper' should have the first report of a scientific expedition, 'even Sir Peter Mackie is probably not a good judge as to the proper mode of publishing the results'. On the 24th he says he has written [Sir Peter Mackie] that a full report should be deferred until after the dinner; Lilly has written their friend [Wickham Steed] of 'The Times' about it.