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Código de referência
- 6 Feb. 1920 (Produção)
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The position regarding the compensation of those who suffered in rioting is explained in their letter of 18 January, and the recovery of levies is discussed in A2/23/17. The Punjab Government has suggested a grant of pensions up to 5 rupees for those left destitute owing to the injury or death of rioters at Jallianwala Bagh. Seva Samiti were distributing funds, but Local Government considered many would be left needing relief. They were unable to accept the proposal, as it was liable to be attacked as an attempt to buy silence with blood money, but in-timated that the Viceroy would accept applications for assistance provided that funds were distributed quietly. They do not think that any more Government money need be spent till the Hunter Committee reports. If police or military action in any particular place is considered unjustifiable [by the Committee] the matter will be reconsidered.
(Carbon copy.)