
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
8 Piero Sraffa to Edoardo Asquini Item 5 Apr 1971
13 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Paolo Baffi File 1967,70
16 Ludovico Bentivoglio to Piero Sraffa Item 10 May 1975
18 S Bernard to Piero Sraffa Item 9 Jul [ ]
19 L Bernstein to Piero Sraffa Item 1 Feb 1932
20 Livia Beux to Piero Sraffa Item Jan 1959
27 Steve Bodington to Piero Sraffa Item 6 Aug 1966
29 Correspondence with Giulio Bollati File 1964
30 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Giuseppe Borgese with a brief biography of Borgese from "Libri D'Italia" File 1932–34
35 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and P R Brahmandra File 1972–74
38 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and the British Council with a letter from C Napolioni File 1954–72
49 Antonietta Campus to Piero Sraffa File 1972–79
50 Enrico Carrara to Piero Sraffa Item 8 Sep 1967
52 Delio Cantimori to Piero Sraffa File 1961
56 Mario Casagrande to Piero Sraffa File 1956
59 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique File 17 Jul 1975
60 David Champernowne to Piero Sraffa File 1957
62 Ian Christie to Piero Sraffa File 1965
63 Mario Cogoy to Piero Sraffa Item 29 Apr 1967
68 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Cesare Cosciani File 1961
72 Luigi Dal Pane to Piero Sraffa File 18 Dec 1933
77 Kenneth Dennis to Piero Sraffa Item 24 Jun 1973
78 Carlo De Pirro Item 19 Dec 1979
84 Mario Einaudi to Piero Sraffa File 1971–72
87 Carl-Goran Erkewald to Piero Sraffa Item 25 Sep 1978
90 Correspondence between K T Fann and Piero Sraffa File 22 Feb 1966
94 Fondo de Cultura Economica Item 25 Feb 1963
111 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Helmut Goetz File 1973–74
115 Copies of correspondence between Piero Sraffa, Antonio Gramsci, Tatiana Schucht, Leonetti and Carlo Gramsci; some used in editions of Gramsci's letters with correspondence and reviews relating to such editions File [1933]-75
120 Carlo Greco to Piero Sraffa Item 18 Nov 1938