Class 3 - Correspondence of Lord and Lady Pethick-Lawrence, N-W

Zone d'identification




Correspondence of Lord and Lady Pethick-Lawrence, N-W


  • 1912-61 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 box

Zone du contexte

Histoire archivistique

3/105–9 are from the same file as 4/194; 3/120–3 are from the same file as 1/104 and 1/208–9 (the subject of the file is unclear); and 3/132–64 are from the same file as 3/278–302.

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

The first part of this class continues the sequence of the preceding one (PETH 2). The contents relate to the following:

Walter Nash (1–11)
The National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment (12–19)
The National Library of Scotland (20–38)
E. H. Neville (39–40)
Evelyn Sharp Nevinson and H. W. Nevinson (41–53)
The New York Herald Tribune (54–60)
Lord Olivier (61–5)
Lord Pethick-Lawrence (66)
A. C. Pigou (67)
The Political Honours Scrutiny Committee (68–102)
The Parliamentary Labour Party, House of Lords (103–4)
Eardley Price (105–9)
The Privy Council (110–17)
Mrs B. H. Qon (118–19)
James Rae (120–3)
Sir Benegal and Lady Rama Rau (124–6)
Gwen Raverat (127–9)
The Marquess of Reading (130–1)
Elizabeth Robins (132–64)
The Royal India, Pakistan, and Ceylon Society (165–72)
Maude Royden (173–81)
Walter Runciman (182)
Sir George and Lady Sansom (183–93)
Sir George Schuster (194–222)
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott (223)
Emmanuel Shinwell (224)
Lord and Lady Simon of Wythenshawe (225–45)
Sir Frank Soskice (246–7)
The Tagore Centenary Celebration Committee (248–64)
Lord Thomson (265–9)
The United Service Club (270–1)
Votes for Women
The Beatrice Webb Memorial Fund (273–7)
Octavia Wilberforce (278–302)
Sir Kingsley Wood (303–27)
Baroness Wootton (328–33)

The last four items (334–7) are ‘get-well’ cards sent to Lord Pethick-Lawrence during his final illness. These were probably added to the alphabetical sequence as an after-thought.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Conditions d’accès

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

    Script of material

      Language and script notes

      Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

      Finding aids

      Zone des sources complémentaires

      Existence and location of originals

      Existence and location of copies

      Related units of description

      Descriptions associées

      Zone des notes

      Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)


      Mots-clés - Sujets

      Mots-clés - Lieux

      Mots-clés - Noms

      Mots-clés - Genre

      Identifiant de la description

      Identifiant du service d'archives

      Rules and/or conventions used


      Niveau de détail

      Dates of creation revision deletion

      This description was created by A. C. Green in 2020.




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