Partie ff. 93–97 - ‘Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick’ (by Charles John Feilding)

Zone d'identification


Add. MS a/738/ff. 93–97


‘Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick’ (by Charles John Feilding)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 entry

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Portée et contenu

First line: ‘Heard’st thou the tolling of yon fun’ral Bell?’ The title is written on f. 92v.

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Publication note

Printed in The New Foundling Hospital for Wit (1784 ed.), vol. i, pp. 143–6, where the verses are attributed to Charles John Fielding (sic). The same volume includes Sheridan’s ‘Monody’ on the same subject (pp. 46–51). Garrick died on 20 January more


Dates of creation revision deletion

This description was created by A. C. Green in 2025.