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Add. MS b/71/43
Letter from G.O. Trevelyan to Nora Sidgwick
- 25 Jun 1905 (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Returns the MS [of Henry Sidgwick, a Memoir, not included] to her, remarking that he has 'insensibly slipped into the passive role of a reader', which, he claims, is 'the greatest compliment that one can pay to a book in proof-sheets.' Declares that he is very pleased with the notices of himself. Points out a slight mistake and some corrections to be made, and reports that two pages did not arrive. Remarks that 'Miss [Mary Louisa] Cannan was a privileged woman', and wonders whether she is alive and still unmarried. Announces that they shall now be [residing] continuously at Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland.