Pièce 123-142 - Heilbronn, H. A. and others

Zone d'identification




Heilbronn, H. A. and others


  • 1934-67 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

G.123: 1934. Includes a letter from L. J. Mordell; 1935 (card only, 're Heilbronn's acceptance of Bevan Fellowship at Trinity).
G.124: 1939. Two letters only.
G.125: 1940. Includes correspondence re internment, Heilbronn's family affairs, release and service in army.
G.126: 1946. Includes undated letter from G.H. Hardy re help for Heilbronn's parents, tentatively dated 1943 by Mrs. Davenport.
G.127: 1947. Research, publications (Bibliog. 54).
G.128: 1948
G.129: 1949
G.130: 1950
G.131: 1951-54. Includes various notes and drafts and a 'Rough draft' for a paper 'On cubic fields' by Davenport.
G.132: 1955-58. Research, publications, appointments.
G.133: 1959. Heilbronn's letter to A.U.T., December 1959, headed 'University expansion. Quantity or quality'.
G.134: 1960. Includes draft letter and memorandum to Chairman, U.G.C. (Sir Keith, later Lord, Murray) and draft questionnaire.
G.135: 1960. Material re 'Questionnaire on recruitment of university teachers in mathematics' circulated April 1960 by Heilbronn and Davenport.
G.136: May 1960. Replies and information from colleagues in Cambridge, sent to Davenport in answer to questionnaire.
G.137: May 1960. Tables of results and information, and continuing correspondence, including a little on affairs of L.M.S.
G.138: 1960, June-July. Mainly re 'Second Memorandum' on university expansion, to be sent to U.G.C.
G.139: 1960, June-July. Correspondence re proposed conference on shortage of teachers of mathematics. Davenport was asked to chair the conference but declined because of his views on university expansion. (Correspondence kept with the Heilbronn material.)
G.140:1960. Miscellaneous notes and drafts for 'Second Memorandum', 'Notes on the questionnaire', etc.
G.141: 1962–63
G.142: 1964, 1965, 1967. Brief correspondence only.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

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