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Código de referência
- [12 Mar 1883] (Produção)
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1 doc
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Announces that he has written to Barrett 'in the sense that [Myers'] letter indicates', but stresses that he did so reluctantly as he deems it very improper to dictate from a distance what ought to be done in the matter.
Reports that he is still having some health problems. States that they expect his brother Arthur and the latter's wife to arrive there [in Florence] that evening. Anticipates that they [Henry and Nora] will go away, either with Arthur and his wife, or by themselves 'about the end of the week and get to Livorno a day or two after'. Asks Myers to send him a statement of the position of Corresponding Members, and states that he will ask Ferri to become a member himself. Refers to Myers' brother [Ernest]'s marriage.
Asks him to propose Gerald Balfour on his behalf as a member of the Society for Psychical Research, and to second him. Claims that he is the 'only "Hegelian" ' whom Sidgwick has found in sympathy with the Society. Discusses Balfour in relation to his 'system' and his philosophy, and adds that he sends Myers his 'kind remembrances' from Florence, where he lives. States that his book [Principles of Political Economy] is due out at Easter, and claims that he and Nora are very interested to hear of Myers' book, 'and wonder what the series is'. Sends on Nora's love to Myers' wife.
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Instrumentos de descrição
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Existência e localização de cópias
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Nota de publicação
Part transcription in Sidgwick, Arthur, and Sidgwick, E. M, 'Henry Sidgwick'. London: Macmillan, 1906, p 367-368.
Zona das notas
Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-1901), psychical researcher and essayist (Assunto)
- Barrett, Sir William Fletcher (1844-1925) Knight, physicist and parapsychologist (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar (Assunto)
- Sidgwick, Charlotte Sophia (1853–1924), wife of Arthur Sidgwick (Assunto)
- Myers, Ernest James (1844-1921), poet and translator (Assunto)
- Balfour, Gerald William (1853-1945), 2nd Earl of Balfour, politician and psychical researcher (Assunto)
- Myers, Eveleen (1856-1937), née Tennant, photographer (Assunto)