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- 7 Oct. 1828 (Vervaardig)
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4 pp.
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Thanks WW for aiding his research [see HJR to WW, 29 Sept. 1828]: 'The MS of the German found was as Mr P. [Edward Pusey] tells me now himself... a MS of Schrockh's lectures. and the excuse for copying from it not only pages of facts, but the only reflections of real value in the book without reference is that Shrockh did not wish his name to be mentioned and that reference to all anonymous MS wd. have given no authority to the statements made'. HJR describes the politics and events which led to this occasion. 'It is curious too that Schrockh is supposed to be what we shd. call a hot evangelical - much connected with our Religious societies - and one of those who is urging the King of Prussia to interfere by force'. Ironically this 'is Pusey's particular friend and authority - and yet his book is full of denunciations of precisely the things which Schrockh most recommends - the interference of the Governments - of forming Religious societies etc'.