Deel f. 4r - Indented deed (incomplete), apparently between (A) John Blenerhaysset, on behalf of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, and (B) Thomas Cobbe, relating to lands in Castle Rising and Congham, Norfolk


referentie code

R./1.1/f. 4r


Indented deed (incomplete), apparently between (A) John Blenerhaysset, on behalf of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, and (B) Thomas Cobbe, relating to lands in Castle Rising and Congham, Norfolk


  • 1570 (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

1 indented sheet, about a third of which is missing on the left. There is an applied seal.



…re of the raigne of our soueraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englond Fraunce and … the name and behalf of Thomas Duke of Norfolke Earle Marsshall of Englond of thon parte and … forme folowinge/ First the said Thomas Cobbe in consideracion of the some of one hundred and threeskoore … in maner and forme hereafter in theise presentes declared well and trvelie to be contented and paid doothe … Close called or knowen by the name of Geytons Close conteyninge by estymacion xxvj acres, and one … same sometyme inclosed conteyninge by estymacion fower acres and one other pece of pasture lyinge w… by estymacion Sixe Acres/. And all that other Close of medowe or pasture called or knowen by the … [calle]d or knowen by the name of Bennettes Yarde nere the Close ther called Paradyse conteyninge by … Cromer Oke conteyninge by estymacion one acre and a halfe be they more or lesse and all other his … and Congham in the countie of Norff. together with all Evydences, ch[art]ees†, deedes, and Mynumentes towchinge and …erne those premisses together with other to be written at the costes and chardges of the said Duke which be in the … [m]ay be come by withowt suyte in lawe to be delyuered to the said Duke or his assignes at or before the feaste … [Th]omas Cobbe doith promyse and agree to and with the said Iohn’ Bleverhaysset for and in the name and behalf of … tharchaungell next commynge vppon reasonable request made [v]nto the said Duke and his heires, or to suche …poynte at the costes and chardges of the said Duke a good and i[nd]eficible estate in fesymple of and in all’ and …ed, Recoverye with vowcher or vowchers, Release or otherwise with warrantie onlie ayenst the said Thomas … or assignes/ And also that the same premisses shalbe at the tyme of the said assurance makinge dischardged …tes, Ioyntures, Dowers, Statutes, Recognysaunces and all other incombraunces whatsoevar had, made, done, or …sent or procurement/ One lease of the premysses with their appurtenaunces made by Indenture dated … Ladie the Quenes Maiestie that nowe is vnto one Ralf Waller esquire for terme of xiijth yeres … Lease to be complete and ended, whervpon the yerelye ferme of Sixe poundes is reserved and … [s]halbe in force and not otherwise determyned onlie except and foreprysed/.

…sett for and in the name and behalf of the said Duke his heires executours admynistratours and assignes doithe … vnto the said Thomas Cobbe or his assignes the said some of one hundred and threeskoore poundes of good …e at the feast of Saint michaell’ tharchaungell next ensuynge the date hereof one hundred pound[es] … full payment and contentacion of the said some of one hundred and three skoore poundes/ … the said parties by theise presentes that for the nonpayment of the said some of one hundred and …omysed to be well and trwlye satisfied or paied: That one Fyne and Recoverye and …ysses with their appurtenaunces agreed to be levyed and knowledged, made, done, or suffered … [h]eyres and assignes, shalbe onlie to the propre vse and behoofe of the said Thomas Cobbe … In wytnes wherof the parties aforesaid haue to theise presentes interchaungeably sett their …

per me Iohannem Bleuerhayset

[Endorsed:] Castle Rising 1570/


Most abbreviations have been expanded. Gaps in the text are indicated by ellipses. Where the missing text is obvious, it has been supplied in square brackets.

† Sic.


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