Harnham, Monument Green, Weybridge. - Has heard from Miss V. W. [Vaughan Williams] about Trevelyan's accident at the Pageant: hopes he has recovered. Asks where Paul's 'playground' was purchased, as he would like to buy one for [Hugh Owen] Meredith's children. Returns two books, and his 'silly Dante paper'. 'Miss Bartlett' ["A Room with a View" has been rejected by the USA. Visits Meredith next week, then Mrs Hope Wedgwood; goes to Abinger next and on the 5th September may join [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson in Italy. Wishes that Trevelyan could come too. Is reading Marco Polo, inspired by Masefield's introduction.
Taken on the terrace at Wallington. 'Mollie Janet Elizabeth & Children at Wallington' written on back in pencil.
Postmarked Stone. - A letter seems to have gone missing: Forster will soon be at West Hackhurst and will make it up to Trevelyan. Has been stopping with [Hugh] Meredith, whose house in Cambridge will probably be too small for a 'playground' [see 3/10]. May go to meet [Goldie] Dickinson in Italy. Hopes Paul is well again.
Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Will send back some of Robert's books: the Chaucer; Conrad's "Lord Jim", which Sir George has read before; and Belloc's book, which Caroline 'can manage better' than Sir George. Arthur Sidgwick, who is 'very well and cheerful', and his wife are here; there has been much toboganning down the hills behind the house by 'all the very large pleasure society of Stratford', though now snow and Stratfordians are gone. Delighted to have news of Elizabeth and the baby [Paul]; Aunt Annie [Philips] is very pleased at the news; she is at Palermo and has been to Segesta, which was a hard journey of eleven hours.
Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Grateful for the detailed information about Bessy and Paul. Has been reading about 'little Paul in Dombey' [Dickens's "Dombey and Son"]; thinks it the 'best account of a child' in literature which he knows, even better than "David Copperfield"; contrasts it with 'a clever, self-conscious woman or man writing about a child' like George Elliot on the Tullivers [in "Mill on the Floss"]. Thanks God that Paul Trevelyan will have a 'better constitution' than Paul Dombey. Sends an 'amusing letter' from [William?] Everett, which Robert need not return; Everett lacks 'front' and is 'at once the youngest and the oldest of human beings'. Is reading [Plautus's] "Trinummus" slowly, as he is getting tired over the end of his book ["The American Revolution"].
8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - The hard weather has 'carried off quite a group of [Sir George's] old London friends', leaving the same sort of gap as was left in his college circle by the deaths of Bowen, [Henry] Sidgwick and Edward Young. Goschen, Davey, Godfrey Lushington, and Allendale ([Wentworth] Beaumont) have all died within about a fortnight. Caroline and Booa [Mary Prestwich] much enjoyed their visit to the Shiffolds and meeting Paul. Was very lucky not to break his hip; is still lame. The Lords have 'a reform bill of their own House'; the "Times" seems not to think this is the business of the Commons, which is 'all very well if the same theory is adopted reciprocally' but they threw out the Plural Voting bill last year.
8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Glad to have good news of Bessie and Paul; they look forward to seeing them all soon. Caroline has sent for [E. M. Forster's] "The Longest Journey", and Sir George will read it after his current novel. What Robert says about the Apostles inspires him to send some 'scraps... unearthed' when sifting old letters; Cowell was an 'ideal personage... a man who carried camaraderie to the highest point in [their] set and generation'. [Henry] Jackson persuaded Sir George to 'take over my MA' since the University may someday want a Liberal representative. Has nothing to do, and is very tired after sixteen consecutive months of work, including two of illness; the proofs [of the last volume of "The American Revolution"] will be a pleasure. Sends best wishes to Bertie Russell.
Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - The Leith Hill hotel is a 'very ideal caravansary' and must bring Robert and Elizabeth good company; glad Sidney Colvin admired Paul; is very keen to see him again. Met Jan [Hubrecht] in the street in London and 'mistook him for Hilton Young... no ill compliment'. Jan said it happened to him 'constantly' at Cambridge. Is halfway through his proofs [of the last volume of "The American Revolution"]; glad they will be alone until it is finished. Staying with them have been: Welby; Tom Brassey and his wife; 'the beautiful Lady Carew'; Lady Reay; Bernard and Mrs Mallet; Alfred Lyall. Is halfway through "Dombey" [Charles Dickens's "Dombey and Son"] and is reading other things such as Beugnot's "Memoirs", placed first in interest by Ferdinand de Rothschild 'the great authority on French memoirs'; Beugnot knew '"at home" the Diamond Necklace gang'.
Robin Ghyll. - Thanks Bessie for her letter. Has had one from Booa [Mary Prestwich] and one from his mother; both say that [Bessie and Robert's son] Paul is 'picking up visibly from day to day'. Caroline says she likes Tovey [? Donald Tovey?] very much.
Very glad to hear of the safe arrival of Robert (whom she calls 'Calverley')'s son Paul; she has not been well, or would have written sooner, but is now better. Hopes Elizabeth is 'well and strong again' and that the weather is good so she can get fresh air. Sends love to Mary and Charles and thanks for their letter of 20 December. Has 'never known such an unnatural winter at Taormina': there is 'much sickness - diphtheria, scarlatina, meningitis'. Her husband is well, but worried about her; the servants are 'quiet & satisfactory', the animals are all well. Sends best wishes to Paul for a 'long & happy life, full of health & prosperity'.
Board of Education embossed card [possibly from Charles Trevelyan, appointed as parliamentary under-secretary]; dated 'Monday. - Molly has been telling them how much better Paul was yesterday; he is very glad to hear it. Read the last half of [Robert's] "Sisyphus" again, aloud to Jan and it read 'capitally'; they both like it all very much. Is giving it to many of his 'literary friends' and hears nothing but praise; he finds some of the metres are too difficult, which is his only complaint.
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad to have news of Paul; the photograph of him touching Theodore's foot is 'delicious'. The new MP for Hexham, [Richard Durning] Holt and his wife, are staying at Wallington, as are: Aunt Annie [Philips]; Josephine Lawson; the younger Hugh Bell, in whom Sir George has 'discovered a great likeness to [Edward] Bowen' and thinks it 'extends to character'; and Sir Francis Blake. He and Caroline are 'much interested about [Laurence] Binyon'; wonders if [Sidney?] Colvin thinks he is 'breaching on Stephen Phillips's domain'. Glad Robert liked what he saw of [Macaulay's] "Marginal Notes", which Sir George has now typed up; Longmans are going to publish it.
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad that Robert is reading his book [Volume III of "The American Revolution"]; asks him to tell him about mistakes or misprints; the book seems 'well subscribed for'. Sorry to hear about Paul and glad he is better. Sends love to Elizabeth; he and Caroline are interested in the marriage between [Arthur] Richmond and [Theodora] van Riemsdijk. Caroline is in London for a few days; he has his 'very old, and tall, friend Sir Steuart Bailey' to keep him company. Sir Walter and Lady Trevelyan 'turned up on a motor journey yesterday' so he gave them tea; Sir Walter is 'immensely improved in manner and bearing' and she is a 'bright little lady'. Is interested by the 'Wattses [paintings by G. F. Watts?] at Compton'; does not know 'who has Compton [Watts's house there?]'
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Writing to tell her 'what a dear Paul is'; did not see him when he was ill, but he is 'all brightness now'; Paul mistook George for 'his daddy' when he first went in to see him 'and the disappointment caused a scene', but he soon got quite fond of him; the trick is not to touch him too soon. Paul is very like Bob, 'with his curls and all', and they are now great friends. Wishes Bessie 'good luck' [probably as she is due to give birth].
Thinks this [referring to an enclosure now not present?] is a 'really dear old letter'; he is 'human enough to prefer such 'thinking aloud' to 'propriety' though he would not have written it himself and hopes he will 'be spared a correspondence'. Very pleased that Elizabeth so likes his book ["Garibaldi and the Thousand"]; values her opinion 'highly'. She is 'quite right about the Sicilians'; if it were not for his considerable debt to 'individual Sicilians', he would have been 'more humorous at the expense of their absurd countrymen'. Comments on what a 'jolly time we have on the Fifth of November'. Is lunching with 'the Jans' [Jan Hubrecht and his wife] tomorrow at Cambridge. Notes in a postscript that he knows about Aunt Annie [Philips] and has heard from her.
The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - She will already have received his telegram [46/118] and know that 'everything [the birth of his son Paul] went off well'. Bessie is 'doing very well, and had a fairly easy time, it seems'. The baby is 'quite strong and healthy, and seems a good size'. Doctor Clark arrived at about 7.15 pm and the baby arrived around 8pm. It was 'very good' of his mother to offer to come back if they wanted; luckily this was not necessary. Her staying for such a long time was a 'great help and comfort for Bessie'. Is glad to hear his father is well.; will write to him. Since it is 'rather late', will go to bed now.
Handed in at Holmbury St Mary; sent to Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - 'Son [Paul] born [yesterday] evening both doing very well indeed Trevelyan'.
Sent 9.50 am, received at Stratford on Avon office 10.52 am.
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Agrees that Robert should not be in a hurry to act about Taormina [the legacy in Florence Trevelyan's will]. Would like to hear his ideas about anything in the book [Sir George's third volume of "The American Revolution"]; agrees with him in liking the last two chapters best and is prepared to write another volume 'in that style, and on those topics' if he lives another five years. Sends love to Paul and Bessie; very glad they are well.
2, Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - Bessie will have heard about what has happened today [the death of George and Janet Trevelyan's son Theo]. Cannot write about it except to say he 'often thought about [her] and Bob' [remembering the death of their son Paul in 1909?]
The Shiffolds. - Is writing before he goes to bed to let her know that all is well; the telegram from Welcombe came this morning and they were glad that their wire [46/118] had reached her. Bessie is 'really very well, and very little tired'; the baby [Paul] is also doing well, 'sleeps a great deal, and does not cry much when he is awake'. Robert 'cannot say he seems... beautiful exactly, but on the other hand he is not ugly, and at least he has plenty of hair'. The Enticknaps say he is like Robert, but he can't judge. The nurse is 'very satisfactory' and Bessie likes her.
Sent 'the little sweets [muisjes]' to his father and Booa in the last post; it seems to be an 'old Dutch custom' to give them to friends and relations, and they should be 'eaten sprinkled on bread and butter'. Has been busy sending 'post cards and telegrams etc', will probably have more time to write tomorrow.
Tovey's concerto was 'splendidly played by Richter's orchestra'; Richter seems very pleased with it and wants to do it again. Robert 'found it rather difficult, but liked some of it very much'. Bessie sends her love and Pauls'.
58 Oakley Street, Chelsea, S.W. - Booksellers are 'disposed to deny all knowledge' of Bob's book ["Sisyphus"] and say it is 'not on Longman's list: Bob should 'stir up' his publishers. Has managed to get hold of it and thinks it 'much the best thing' Bob has done, though the 'queer metres & methods of scansion', which he supposes are influenced by [Robert] Bridges, are sometimes puzzling. Doubts however whether 'bigamy had been made a felony in the time of Sisyphus'. Hopes that Bessie and Paul are well.
West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - His aunt and mother would very much like the Trevelyans to come over to lunch, and to bring Paul; they could go on to the Cracroft [?] concert afterwards if the Trevelyans are going.
Grand Hôtel Continental, Siena. - Rather 'arctic' in Siena; Hilda Trevelyan has been staying here a while and will come to tea tonight; she is leaving tomorrow. He and Caroline enjoyed Florence very much; all the new building is in the suburbs so the 'essential part of the city' is not at all spoiled. They had a good visit to the Berensons, whose house must be good to stay in. Supposes Robert is at Cambridge today. Sends love to Elizabeth, with assurances of their interest in Paul and his 'troubles'; made friends with a 'lovely little Italian baby' in a street near the Duomo yesterday. Has read about the Sicilian property [left to Robert by Florence Trevelyan, but only after her husband's death]; does not feel great confidence and dislikes the way the will was arranged in Sicily rather than by the Trustees' lawyer, which benefits Dr Cacciola; however, Robert 'is in good hands,' and his financial prospects mean he need not 'undertake certain worry for an uncertain prospective gain'. Is very interested in the third volume of [Guglielmo] Ferrero's ["The Greatness and Decline of Rome": "The Fall of An Aristocracy"] and has Cicero's "Philippics" with him. Currently reading the "Heauton Timorumenos" [Terence's "The Self-Tormentor"], which is a 'rattling comedy'.
The Shiffolds. - Dr Clarke says that Bessie 'could not be doing better'; Paul is also very well, and 'sleeps a fair amount'; Clarke will come again tomorrow. The nurse 'manages splendidly'. The household is also getting on very well: Mrs Ent[icknap] 'takes a great deal of trouble' and Alice also 'helps well'. Gussie [Enticknap] was 'kept in the dark until yesterday evening', when his mother took him to see the baby; he 'seemed very much astonished'. He thinks he will 'soon have someone to play cricket with, but that is looking forward too far'.
Everyone thinks the baby looks a lot like Robert; supposes he must be, but to him he 'looks far more like Mr Finch'; asks his mother not to tell this to Finch. The baby is 'certainly very healthy and a fair size, 7 1/2 lbs and 20 inches'; his hair is 'about Bessie's colour, or a little darker, and his skin is rather brown'.
Lady V[aughan] Williams has just called to enquire and invite Robert to High Ashes for lunch; thinks he will go, as Bessie usually sleeps after lunch. Miss [Sophy?] Wedgwood and Margaret Vaughan Williams also came to see the baby this afternoon, and 'thought him very charming'. Does not think he missed writing to anyone: sent telegrams to Aunt Anna, Aunt Meg, Uncle Harry, Aunt Nora, Janet, Molly and a few others. Sends love - also from Bessie and Paul - to his father; will write to him next. Must finish now as the post is due.
Palace Hotel, Rome. - Sorry to hear about the fall of the cedar and the little dog's death; Elizabeth must be sad. Glad about Paul; had never noticed how much 'gymnastics' a year old child does pulling itself onto its feet until Geordie was around them this autumn. They have been out to the Appian Way to lunch, and spent a morning going over the grounds of the Villa Mills on the Palatine which is to be pulled down for excavations. Always thinks of Robert at the Farnese casino on the Clivus Victoriae, where he had the 'altercation with the friend of the custode'. Has read [Cicero's] Philippics, inspired by Ferrero, and has 'rarely enjoyed a book more'; also delighting in reading Terence. Glad to hear what [James Stoddart?] Bain told Robert; there are beginning to be signs that the book [Volume III of "The American Revolution"] is a success and is doing well in America, though it came out in the midst of an unprecedented 'financial tornado'. Their hotel is quite full of 'very quiet, respectable Americans', most of whom are ladies.
The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - Thanks his father for his 'very kind letter' [16/172], which came yesterday afternoon. A 'great pleasure' to him and Bessie that his parents share their happiness [on the birth of their son Paul] 'so fully'. Bessie is still doing well and the doctor is 'very satisfied' with her and the baby. Sends thanks to his mother for a 'very nice letter' received this morning; will write to her every day for now; her visit was 'a great pleasure' to them both, and 'of the greatest help to Bessie' during the unexpectedly long wait to give birth, is 'very grateful to her for all her kindness'. Encloses a letter from Keith [gardener at Wallington]; it is very kind of him to send flowers for Bessie, which she mostly has in her room during the day.
Did not want the Education Bill to be lost: the loss 'will not weaken the Government, but rather the contrary' due to the 'general indignation', not only amongst Liberals, but it would not have been worth 'sacrificing the bill if it could have been saved', even for this 'useful tonic effect'. At least the Government 'seems to have a good hand to play'; hopes they will do so 'in the best way possible, whatever that may be'.
Bessie sends her love to his parents, and so do he and 'Paulus (modern Apostulus)'.
The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - Bessie and Paul are both very well: Bessie was pleased to get his mother's letter this morning - she is 'allowed to read all letters that come' - and is 'looking forward to writing herself'. The doctor called today, is quite satisfied, and will not call tomorrow. The frost has gone and they have 'stormy warmer weather'.
The V[aughan] Williamses at High Ashes are 'very kind', and ask him to lunch: went on Sunday, and will go tomorrow 'for the Xmas dinner'. Has had a nice letter from C[harles] and Molly [16/165]. Is 'rather tired', so she must not mind him not writing more. Sends love from all the family.
The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - They are having a 'very pleasant Christmas'; everyone is well. His father's 'kind letter' to E[lizabeth: 10/69] came this morning, and 'gave her much pleasure'. The baby seems to 'thrive'. Since it is Christmas today, Bessie 'had him dressed in an old Dutch dress, made 70 years ago, in which he looks very Dutch and pretty'.
Is going out to dinner tonight to High Ashes for the V[aughan] Williams' Christmas dinner; does not mind leaving Bessie as she is 'really so well'. She sends her love, says she 'thinks a great deal' about Caroline, and is much enjoying getting letters from everyone. Paul got his 'first letter this morning in the shape of a Christmas card from Pauline and Georgdie' [Charles and Molly's children].
Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Is watching the developments [surrounding Florence Trevelyan's legacy to Robert] 'with a friendly, but not a critical eye'. He and Caroline have also had 'vile weather' but have suffered no physical harm; glad the same is true of Elizabeth and Paul. Agrees with [Benjamin] Rogers about [Racine's] "Plaideurs"; thought it 'very poor stuff' when he read it as a boy 'to illustrate [Aristophanes's] the "Wasps"'. They have just finished the Queen's letters ["The Letters of Queen Victoria", edited by A C Benson]; there is much that is interesting 'embedded in a vast mass of twaddle': too much is included by 'so many royalties... not above the average of their class', and though the Queen's letters are often 'very human and spicy' the book should have been half the length. Agrees with Robert that the Mid-Devon [Ashburton] election should shake the [Liberal] party up. Hilda and Audrey Trevelyan have been staying.
The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - Apologises for not writing for a few days: they 'missed a post by mistake', and this afternoon Roland [Vaughan Williams?] called wanting him to go for a walk just as he was about to write and Bessie thought he should go. There is not much news: Bessie and Paul are doing well. Bessie has 'already seen several people', and Lady V[aughan] Williams will probably visit tomorrow.
Thanks his mother for her letter, which came this afternoon; Bessie thanks her for her last letter and was 'much amused to hear of the muisjes-rite'; she is 'shocked' that Robert is 'refusing the sacriment, because it contains carroway seed [sic]' - he does however think they 'look very pretty'. Bessie says the 'nursing' [breast-feeeding] is going well, and 'the supply and demand question, which often seems the chief difficulty, has been settled to the satisfaction of both parties'.
There has been heavy snow, but the 'Doctor still comes out in his motor'. Will give Gussie [Enticknap] his Christmas card. Robert has had a 'letter of congratulation' from A. G. Watson. Supposes there is snow at Welcombe too.