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Papers of Erskine Childers
CHIL · Fonds · 1880-1922

The papers consist of correspondence, printed material, writings, personal papers, and photographs documenting the English life of Erskine Childers. The correspondence includes incoming letters to Erskine and to Molly Childers, copies of letters sent by Erskine, and a large number of letters written to others from others.

There are over 75 letters from Erskine to Molly dated 1903-1913; Erskine's other principal correspondents include Ian Hamilton, Field Marshal Frederick Roberts, and Basil Williams. Molly's principal correspondents include Benoît-Constant Coquelin, Kate Courtney, and John Singer Sargent. The collection includes letters from a variety of other correspondents, among them Edward Arnold, Julian Corbett, Arthur Conan Doyle, Henry James, William James, Lord Kitchener, J. Ellis McTaggart, Walter Runciman, George Bernard Shaw (to Emily Ford), and G. M. Trevelyan.

Printed material includes cuttings of reviews for 'The H.A.C. in South Africa', 'The Times History of the war in South Africa', 'War and the Arme Blanche', 'The Riddle of the Sands', and 'The German Influence on British Cavalry'; cuttings of articles on cruising printed in 'The Times' from 1907-1913; as well as two issues of 'Poblacht na hÉireann' from 21, 23 October, 1922.

The collection also includes a holograph poem apiece by Bronson Alcott and William Ellery Channing, photographs of Benoît-Constant Coquelin, and a signed photograph of Sarah Bernhardt.

Childers, Robert Erskine (1870-1922), author and politician
TRER/18/94 · Item · 19 Sept 1908
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. - Recently shared in 'poor dear Jonathan [Sturges]'s good wishes' to Trevelyan but now he assures him and his wife of his 'still tenderer interest and sympathy' [after the death of their new-born daughter Susan]. Spent that day with their 'poor undaunted little friend [Sturges]' in surroundings which were a 'blest... escape from that dreary prison house of Wimpole Street [a nursing home]'. Sturges's 'inseparable (&... most valuable) nurse is with him', and he has 'charming rooms' with a big balcony overlooking the sea at Eastbourne; seems 'really to be getting on...' despite the lack of society. Will go again soon, but cannot do so often as the journey takes so long; whenever he does see Sturges, the sense is always the same of 'the hard little consistency of his personality - unique little pathetic wasted demon that he is!'. Thinks with great pleasure of their few days at Welcombe at Whitsuntide, and their talks with John [Cann?] Bailey; must meet again. Wonders if the Trevelyans are discussing the 'Luard tragedy'; they do 'nothing else' in Rye; it is a 'rounded "Greek" perfection of horror or darkness'. Acknowledges that the Trevelyans have enough cares of their own.

TRER/18/93 · Item · 29 Mar 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lamb House, Rye, Sussex. - A 'great shock' to get Lady Trevelyan's letter and hear about the 'sorrow that has overtaken Robert and his wife' [the death of their son Paul]; knows that she and Sir George will have had their 'sad share' of this. Offers his sympathy to them all, particularly to 'admirable & devoted Mrs Robert', whom he can 'scarcely bear to think of'. Remembers the 'delightful little boy' well at Welcombe, and what he obviously meant to his parents. Is especially touched by her consideration of what he told her in his last letter about his 'then rather poor & slightly scared self'; he is now much better and likely to improve further. Had the kind of crisis for two or three weeks after which 'one is never... quite the same' but has 'emerged into quite decent conditions'. Is intending to spend May in London, and hopes to see the Trevelyans there.

TRER/11/91 · Item · 12 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - They have just arrived in London, in pouring rain. Glad Elizabeth and Robert continue to like La Croix [-Valmer?]. Expects it must be difficult to give a sense of period language in their translation work; sure that between them they will do well. The gathering at Welcombe was pleasant: Henry James, 'as delightful as ever', Miss [Lily] Noble who 'always brings an atmosphere of culture and friendliness', Sir Alfred Lyall, 'the agreeable man of the world'; Mrs [Alice Stopford] Green, earnest and serious, who 'occasionally treads on all our toes!'. There was lots of talk, and they managed some walks [despite the weather]. Yesterday and this morning she watched some flowering shrubs being planted in the garden at Welcombe; hopes they will flourish. Going to North Street [Charles and Mary's house] tomorrow, and will write and tell Elizabeth about it. Has had a letter from Mad[am]e Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan], who is pleased with the photographs Caroline sent her

TRER/11/90 · Item · 5 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Robert gave lots of news about Elizabeth in his letter; interesting that she is translating again; asks whether she finished the novel she was working on last year. There must be a great deal of Dutch literature 'unknown to other nations' as the language is rarely learnt. The poem must be curious; asks whether the language differs much from modern Dutch; it dates from a 'great time in the countrie's [sic] history]. She and Sir George have been seeing neighbours and going into town she has been to London several times. There are great floods: 'the Avon is out all down the valley'. Hopes Elizabeth and Robert will continue to like La Croix [-Valmer?]. They are feeling happier about politics; Chamberlain is 'not gaining ground' and the Government 'make a most wretched show' in the House of Commons. They are expecting H[enry] James, Miss [Lily] Noble, Mrs [Alice Stopford] Green and Sir [Alfred] Lyall for a couple of days tomorrow, and go up to London on the 12th. North Street [Charles and Mary's London house] has been 'started', with 'no drawbacks', and she looks forward to seeing it; Cheyne Gardens [George and Janet's London house] is also progressing, and Janet is very pleased with it. The "Independent [Review]" for February is good, and much attention is being paid to it; hopes it is 'establishing itself'. Has subscribed again to Rolandi [the foreign language bookseller and library], so asks Elizabeth to let her know if she hears of any good French books. Notes that 'the modern world seems to find it necessary to have a millionaire for hero!'. Asks if Elizabeth has anyone to accompany her violin playing. Aunt Margaret [Holland] is still too ill for visitors, and does not even have letters read to her.

TRER/17/89 · Item · 29 Dec 1922 [date of original letter]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Monk's House, Rodmell, Lewes. - Returns Percy Lubbock ["Earlham", see 17/88] with thanks. Cannot make out why 'in spite of every appearance to the contrary' and Logan [Pearsall Smith?]'s recommendation, she thinks it 'a thoroughly bad book'. Percy is 'obviously intelligent, scrupulous [a long list of his virtues follows]' and his style is 'by no means despicable [another list of virtues follows]'. Suspects there is 'something hopelessly prosaic, timid, tepid, in his goal. The spirit of Earlham is undoubtedly the family butler'; detects a 'conspiracy to misrepresent the human soul in the interests of respectability and... of the defunct Henry James' and wonders why Percy, 'who is comparatively young' has ended it; it makes her 'long for glaring suburbs, brass bands - Brighton Piers'. Acknowledges she exaggerates, but it is strange how good and bad the book is; wonders whether 'Percy himself is corrupt'; has just met him. She and Leonard return to Richmond on Monday, and hopes Bob and Bessie will soon visit; wants to discuss his Aeschylus [translation of the "Oresteia"]; accepts his spelling of 'quire'. Would not 'yield to Logan. If he thinks "Earlham" a masterpiece, he is not to be trusted about the letter K'. Hopes Robert is writing a poem; is 'dipping into "Georgian Poetry [1920-] 1922"' [edited by Eddie Marsh] and getting 'bored to death with apple trees and acorns'. Notes in a postscript that she and 'Bertha Ruck' are now 'great friends' [Berta Ruck was offended by Virginia's near-use of her name on a tombstone in "Jacob's Room"]; 'Tom Gaze [a typing error for Tom Gage, another tombstone name?] turned out to be Lytton [Strachey]-Carrington'.

TRER/13/85 · Item · [19 May 1899]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Begins mid-sentence stating that [his brother George's book "The Age of Wycliffe"] is 'a good piece of history', which shows up John of Gaunt as 'a sort of 14th century Taman[n]y ring boss'. Also recommends Rostand's "Les Romanesques", which he read recently and things is even better than "Cyrano". Cannot think of any more modern books for the moment; fears his list is 'chiefly composed of friends' and relations' books'; [Roger] Fry is also bringing out his book on Bellini soon, which is well worth getting. Asks Elizabeth to tell Mrs Grandmont that the Frys would like her to visit when she is in England; gives their address. He himself is getting a house near Dorking at Westcott, and will move in September, when he will be within a mile of the Frys; the house he is giving up at Haslemere is, though, very beautiful.

Supposes she has been back from Taormina a while; asks her to send some photographs, especially the ones of 'Mrs. Cacc. [Florence Cacciola Trevelyan] and the dogs' and himself in the loggia. The last few days of scirocco were 'a great bore', but he almost forgives it for preventing the trip up Monte Xerito as it 'made [them] those splendid waves among the rocks'; it also 'put [Elizabeth's] fiddle out of sorts' though, so he could not hear any more Bach suites. Heard Isaye [sic: Ysaÿe] play one yesterday, as well as the Mendelsohn concerto; he was in good form, and he will hear him again playing the Beethoven. Is having a musical week, as he has already seen Paderewski, for the first time, and will hear [Wagner's] "Tristram" tomorrow. 'Paddy was great fun, at all events to look at'; thinks he played a Chopin concerto better than the Beethoven. Spends most of his time at the British Museum library when he is in London; has found a translation of [Joost van den] Vondel there by a Dutch American; it is 'very conscientious and scholarly' but he does not think much of the blank verse; still, he can now go on where Elizabeth left off. Would like to know when Mrs G[randmont] is coming to England, and if Elizabeth is likely to be in London so he can 'make a display of [his] extensive and profound knowledge of Italian painting in the National Gallery'. Not sure whether he is going to Bayreuth yet; discusses times he could come to Holland.

Suggests older books she should read: Keats's letters, most of which are available in Sidney Colvin's edition though he advises getting Buxton Forman's four volume edition with the poetry; Butcher and Lang's translation of the "Odyssey"; Meinhold's "Sidonia the Sorceress" and "Amber Witch", translated by Lady Wilde and Lady Duff Gordon. Could lend her all of these books, as well as [Henry James's] "In a Cage" and his brother and father's books . Asks her to write with news and to say when would be best for him to come to Holland; he will write soon to the Grandmonts when he sends them [Thomas Sturge?] Moore's book. Thinks he remembers Elizabeth said she had never read Jane Austen; she should read them all, especially "Mansfield Park", "Pride and Prejudice" and "Emma". Breaks off mid -sentence: 'by advising to...': 9/71 forms the rest of the letter.

A portion of what seems to be a poem by Robert Trevelyan based on the "Mahabharata", with some explanatory notes, is found with this letter but not referred to in it

TRER/13/79 · Item · 16 Mar - 17 Mar 1913
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Does not know if this will reach Robert before he turns homewards. Saw Elizabeth recently; she looked very well, having spent a couple of days by the sea; thinks Robert will find her in much better health than she was when he left. Hopes Julian will enjoy a 'little grandchildren's party' she is giving on the 29th. She and Sir George are going to Eastbourne for a week on Wednesday. Then there is the Historical Congress, for which Sir George is giving a dinner, she is giving a party, and 'London will swarm with Historians from the uttermost parts of the earth'. Good to 'entertain and make much of them, but no one seems to have any intention of listening to their papers!' Robert's next letter about Java will be very interesting.

Returns to the letter next day: Robert's card from Penang has just come, after over three weeks. "Georgian Poetry" is interesting; there is only one of Robert's poems in but 'it has been noticed with praise in the reviews'; she likes it very much. They had a long call yesterday from Henry James, who has been very ill all winter; she called on him at his Chelsea flat last week; he seems to be recovering and was 'most amusing & interesting'; he is bringing out some sort of autobiography. Fears that Robert's journey home will be the least pleasant part of his trip, and will be glad when he is back. Robin [Price] will be back about the same time; he seems to be visiting Ceylon and returning by sea.

TRER/13/76 · Item · 20 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - The wedding [between George and Janet Trevelyan] is over, and now the family is 'all married'; wishes Robert and Elizabeth had been there as it was a nice, well arranged occasion. She, Sir George, and Booa [Mary Prestwich] arrived by train in Oxford just in time for the Registry, which was 'in a shabby little first floor room', made nice with 'carpet & flowers' but much inferior to the Hague; description of the short ceremony there, with only the 'nearest relations' and some of George's friends. They then went to [Manchester] College to meet the friends who had just arrived by special train from London. The chapel is 'extremely pretty, with lovely Burne-Jones windows'. Order of service originally enclosed; describes the address, in which 'there was nothing the least doctrinal, but it was very high toned & 'ethical'". Many guests, including Meggy [Price], Annie [Philips], Harry Greg, 'a number of Wards & Arnolds & Croppers', the 'H.Y.T.s' [Harry Yates Thompson and his wife], 'the Bell connection, & the Stanleys in numbers'. Also Mrs [Alice] Green, Henry James, 'Ritchies, Freshfields, Sidgwicks, Mr [Hugh?] Clifford, the Holman Hunts, Russells, Muggins Runcimans', many Oxford people and 'an array of George's friends'.

They then went into the library, a 'fine room with beautiful woodwork, & painted windows, & a statue of Dr [James] Martineau' for tea, took the special train back and were in London by 6 pm. Sir George was unwell with a bad cold for two days before, but got through; it was a warm day and he does not seem worse this morning. George and Janet went to 'a quiet place in Surrey' for a few days then on to Cornwall; will then return to London to 'put their house in order & go abroad'. Describes Janet's wedding dress and travelling dress.

Received the box of things from Taormina yesterday [see 11/93]; 'very nice, & just suitable for a bazaar'; will write and thank Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht] for ordering them. Sir George sends love, and thanks for Robert's last letter; he is reading Lord Acton's letters 'with amusement and interest', having had to stop work for a while; she thinks 'working too long at the B.M. [British Museum] made him ill' and is 'sure it is full of germs'. Charles and Mary were 'much to the front' at the wedding, and Mary looked 'magnificent'; dined with them last week in North Street, where everything is arranged nicely. Supposes Robert and Elizabeth will return to lots of business about the new house and hopes it goes well: 'the old judge [Sir Roland Vaughan Williams] has had plenty more time to think it over'. Sir John Swinburne's engagement has been broken off. Hester Lyttelton and Victoria Buxton are both going to be married.

TRER/12/72 · Item · 3 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Glad that Robert has found 'so satisfactory a location'; he has done well to escape the bad weather; there is already a 'considerable flood' which may develop into a record one. Has begun reading for his book [the next volume of "The American Revolution"] so can only 'trifle with the classics'; has been reading Horace and discusses the "Ars Poetica". They are much interested in Elizabeth's [translation?] work, and send their love. The election at Ayr was a 'very good' result for the Liberals. Henry James, [Alfred] Lyall, Mrs [Alice Stopford] Green and Miss [Lilias] Noble are coming on 6 February; he and Caroline go to London on 12 February.

TRER/9/72 · Item · 30 July 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Blames the 'heat which brings on indolence' for his delay in replying to her last letter. Saw Madame Grandmont at the Bowmans', where he spent a very pleasant evening; she has since written to say he can visit in early September, so asks Bessie to tell her that will suit him very well. Is not going to Bayreuth, so will come straight out to Holland, which he is looking forward to seeing again. Has left the heat in the South of England and come up to 'the cool and airy atmosphere of Northumberland'. Is glad she likes the Odyssey; her translation is 'quite correct and scholarly', although a little too Biblical and free with 'withals' and 'verilys'. Agrees generally with what she says about [Henry] James: he need not always be so obscure, though 'vague ideas can often only be vaguely expressed'; discusses some of the characters and scenes he admires. Supposes she will be going to Denmark now; hopes she enjoys her music there; he has heard little for weeks and fears he will not until he goes to Holland. Is glad she enjoyed "Marrow and Asparagus" [his "Mallow and Asphodel"]; but she must like [Thomas Sturge] Moore's poems better, particularly "The Vinedresser", "The Panther", and "At Bethel"; the parts of Moore's poetry he likes 'mean more to [him] than anything that has appeared in England since Browning's early and great days". Will send for [Lagerlof's] "Antichrist Miracles" as is keen to see Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan] 'glorified by fiction', even if she is depicted as 'a witch or Fiery, instead of the mild lady she really is'; has always intended to make her 'the subject of a romance' when he takes to writing novels in his old age. Bessie can keep [his father's] "American Revolution" until he comes. Asks to be remembered to the Grandmonts. His father has just bought a Madonna by [Francesco] Francia; they are all very pleased with it, though he is amused by the comments of the servants. The butler secretly prefers the not very good copy of Raphael's "Madonna della seggiola" which used to hang in the room; he says the 'lady' is pretty '(being good protestants, they won't call her the Madonna or the Virgin)', but the baby is 'rather a funny-shaped baby', and at least Raphael gave his child some clothing; says Mrs Prestwitch [sic: Mary Prestwich] (the old nurse, now housekeeper) knows more about babies than he does, and she is not sure about the baby; supposes neither he nor his brothers were 'exactly that type of infant' when they were in her nursery.

TRER/9/71 · Item · 19 May 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Roundhurst, Haslemere, Surrey. - Apologises for not writing sooner: has taken him a while to gather his thoughts on English books for her to read. Has not read Browning's letters to his wife, but her father tells him they are quite amusing; if they are as good as the one she read out to him, they should certainly be worth reading. There is also Mackail's life of William Morris, which he intends to read as Mackail knew Morris well and is a 'competent writer'; saw an excerpt which looked fun, as it should as 'Morris was a magnificent joke himself as well as a splendid person'. Has not yet read Henry James's "The Awkward Age", which is said to surpass all his earlier ones in difficulty, but recommends "In The Cage", or "Daisy Miller". Next week T[homas Sturge] Moore's book, "The Vinedresser and Other Poems" comes out, but he is sending a copy to the Grandmonts; is not sure whether they will like it, as it has 'great faults, which people with classical tastes are almost sure to dislike', but believes many of the poems are 'nearly perfect in their own queer way'. Recommends his father's book, "The American Revolution Pt I" which is 'at least readable and amusing"; his brother George's "The Age of Wycliffe" has already gone into a second edition. The middle part of the letter can be found as 13/85.

Ends by telling Bessie to get the third volume of Yeats' edition of Blake, 'read all the poetry that is not mad' and "The Book [Marriage] of Heaven and Hell", and look at the pictures. Hopes Miss [Emma?] Dahlerup is well; expects she will be going to Capri or nearby soon. Asks to be remembered to the Grandmonts.

MSPB/62 · Item · 3 Jul. [1877?]
Part of Manuscripts in Printed Books

3 Bolton St. - Thanks Lord Houghton for his note about the book [The American]; agrees that 'the Bellegardes are rather "belated". They would have been more probable under the old régime; but I suppose a novelist has always to force matters a little. But even to modified Bellegardes an American savoring much of the soil would never have been acceptable. The French don't at all like the Americans (according to my observation) - none, that is, save M. [Charles Frederick] Worth; & he, I believe, is English!. But the French, after all, don't like any one but the French!...'

Hopes that Houghton has completely recovered. Will leave town in a few days, but will visit Houghton before he does so. 'Yours faithfully & gratefully, H. James jr.'

TRER/17/59 · Item · 15 Nov 1942 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Postmarked Devizes; addressed to Trevelyan in the Annie Zung Ward, Westminster Hospital, Horseferry Road, London S.W. - Had been looking forward to visiting again, but decided eventually to go straight home to Wiltshire on Friday; hopes Trevelyan will be released from Hospital soon anyway. The 'shortages of current postcards has produced some curious results. [He] found this on sale in a stationers in Pimlico'.

TRER/17/58 · Item · 21 Jan [1918]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London, W.C. - Thanks Trevelyan for reading Hubert's essay [see 17/37]; wishes Trevelyan had come in to see him 'that Monday' and tells him to come and 'propose [himself] for a night soon'. Has just finished translating a 'new lot of Po Chu-i poems' and a ghost story by him. Asks if Trevelyan has read 'the Henry James number of the "Egoist"', where there is an article by [T.S.] Eliot and 'a very short, very bad one' by Waley. Has heard at last from [Oswald] Sickert at Shanghai.

Add. MS c/94/55 · Item · 28 May (1879?)
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Sidgwick for his invitation to Cambridge in June and regretfully declines, citing his many London engagements as an excuse. Claims to have 'a delightful memory of [his] little visit to Cambridge a year ago'. Sends his very good wishes to Mrs Sidgwick.

TRER/6/54 · Item · 13 Oct 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

12 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W. - Asks for the address of the "New Quarterly". Does not know whether the editor [Desmond MacCarthy] takes fiction, but would like to try him with a translation of a short story by [Eduard] von Keyserling. They hear from Oswald [his brother] 'at longish intervals': he finds New York 'cosy and provincial', so he is breaking away from Henry James there, and by now is on his way to Sydney. Asks if Trevelyan has been 'perpetrating any Pageants'; he himself is 'too stingy', though the Chelsea one seems attractive; they 'ought to put in the immortal "Jimmie"'. Supposes Trevelyan is still occupied with his opera [the "Bride of Dionysus"]. Their sister [Helena Swanwick] has been 'most earnest and active in her Suffragist cause', but Londoners are generally 'frivolous and indifferent about it'. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Trevelyan, and how Trevelyan's son [Paul] does.

TRER/10/47 · Item · 17 Feb 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Elizabeth seems to have had more snow than they have at Welcombe. Will be very good to see her and Robert again; asks if they will stop a night on the way through London, or prefer to get home then come after they are settled. Is thinking of hosting 'a weekly dinner on Tuesdays in March, & a "small & early for MP's & young people afterwards'; Elizabeth and Robert must come to one. Henry James arrived last night and is 'most amusing & delightful on his American experiences'. Audrey T[revelyan] and the Bells are coming today. She and Sir George go to London on 23 February. Will give Elizabeth her club subscription when she returns; she will then have to make enquiries about which is the best club and change next year; Caroline thinks the Gr[osvenor] Cr[escent] club has 'become very common & inferior'. Is glad Elizabeth saw Shelley's villa; the coast where Byron burnt his body is 'wierd [sic] & beautiful too'. Asks if she has read Mrs Shelley's "Life" of her husband, which Caroline thinks is better than [Edward] Dowden's. Mary has had to give up nursing Pauline, having done too much over the election and got run down. Charlie has accepted the position of Parliamentary Charity Commissioner, which is unpaid and not much work, but 'keeps him "in the running"'.

TRER/4/47 · Item · 30 Jan [1903]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Dorking. - Is well again now: it was noble of Bessie not to tell Trevelyan. Helen was a little troubled by the wire and letter. The measles is passing: Julian is almost well, but his sister who came to help nurse has come down with it now. The new landlord [for 22 Willow Road, Hampstead] is still making difficulties. Envies Trevelyan for being in Ravello: he wishes he had the courage to 'chuck England' and live cheaply in Italy: 'sunshine is more important than society'. Loathes art criticism more and more and longs to create. Has nearly done Cook's picture, then will turn to Trevelyan's Claude. He and Helen are reading slowly through [Henry James's] "The Wings of the Dove". Their regards to all at the Palumbo.

TRER/10/43 · Item · 26 Dec 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Would like very much to see the plans [for Elizabeth and Robert's new house, being built at Leith Hill]; hopes they will bring them up to London. It will be a busy time, but they must 'set apart an hour'. Asks whether they will be there on the evening of [Charles and Mary's] wedding, 6 January; Annie [Philips] will be staying with them, and Elizabeth and Robert could come to dine and show the plans then. Elizabeth can have her dress sent to Grosvenor Crescent and change there; they must leave by one o'clock. Believes 'Valescure is still very nice'; seems wise not to make a very long journey in January; expects they will come back earlier than usual to 'look after the house'. George has a cold, and they had a very quiet Christmas day; '[Charles Augustus?] Fitch and a game of whist in the evening being the high water mark of festivity'. Very distressed about [Roger] Fry [over his wife's illness]. Hopes Elizabeth got the pheasants by Christmas day. Very sorry 'the doggie did not recover'. Is reading James's Life of Story ["William Wetmore Story and His Friends"] which is 'in its way quite delightful' and 'makes one long to be in Rome'.

Add. MS a/49/4 · Item · 25 Feb. [1940?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London W.C.1 - Thanks him for the inscribed copy of The Mathematician's Apology; informs him that Henry James's introductions are to be found in The Art of the Novel. Typed.

TRER/10/4 · Item · 13 Feb 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Sent a post-card about the [Grosvenor Crescent] Club; hopes Elizabeth has heard from the Secretary. Lunched there when she had to be in London on Tuesday but was not able to see the Secretary; thinks it will be all right if the application is not in by the 20th. Glad some 'pleasant' people have been at the Pension. She and Sir George go to London on the 19th. Charles has been seeing lots of people in Paris and returns tomorrow, though he is not coming to Welcombe yet. Asks if Elizabeth and Robert will be back by Easter, and if so whether they will spend it at Welcombe. Also asks if she will come to see any of Benson's plays [at Stratford], which start on 20 April. Expects they are soon leaving for Sicily; hopes Elizabeth will find her cousin Marie [Hubrecht] better. Henry James has been to stay at Welcombe for a couple of days; he 'is so much nicer than his books, though she greatly admires some of them. Hope Robert's play is progressing; asks when the other ["Cecilia Gonzaga"?] will be published. Enough money has found to begin the new "Independent Review"; G[eorge] is 'continually rushing up to London about it'; he is taking rooms there with Hilton Young after Easter. Caroline has been attempting to read [Richardson's] "Clarissa" but fears she will not succeed; asks if Elizabeth is getting on better with it.

TRER/46/37 · Item · 2 Dec 1895
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

29 Beaufort St, Chelsea [on headed notepaper for the National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place S. W.]:- Thanks his parents for their 'joint letter'. The weather here has suddenly turned 'almost absolutely perfect, at least for December', and the 'nights are wonderfully lighted by this full moon'. Florence must be 'gorgeous by moonlight'; wonders if they ever go to 'the portico where the David used to be and think of the poor painter of Henry James' Madonna of the Future, who was found there by night', but expects they go to bed 'quite early'. Dined recently with the [Yates] Thompsons, and Harry 'pretended to be indignant' that the Trevelyans had not gone to a hotel he had recommended; he 'was in a familiar, you-be-damned sort of mood', since there was no-one there but the Wilberforces, Spring Rice and Robert. Dolly 'had to reprove him for swearing at table before his guests'; thinks 'the Canon was rather shocked by his way of going on'.

[Edward Ernest] Bowen has given a 'lecture to the school [Harrow] upon the American Secession & Civil War', speaking 'for nearly two hours without becoming embarrassed or stumbling over a single word'; they say that throughout 'the excitement was so intense that you could have heard a fly's buzz'. At the end 'they got up and cheered him till it was thought they would never stop. They had not realised before what he was'. [Roger] Fry has a commission to paint 'a certain Smith Barry, the brother of the notorious M.P'. He has almost finished his lectures; he set 'certain passages in Browning's Fra Lippo to be annotated', which contain 'several bad blunders as to dates etc': '[m]ost of the young ladies trip up prettily into these pitfalls, taking it for granted that Browning must be right.

Robert 'quite agree[s] about Dante's deliberate purpose of making a great literary success', though thinks this would be 'indignantly repudiated by most of his idolaters'. It is 'very dull' in England at the moment; as far as Robert can tell people talk of 'nothing but Armenians.[a reference to the massacres in the Ottoman Empire]... and the Vailima letters [written by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin between 1890 and 1894, and recently published]'.

TRER/10/34 · Item · 12 Sept 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad that Elizabeth enjoyed the visit to Chillingham, and that Mrs Cochrane plays well; seems to remember she is a 'better musician than Mrs Saxton Noble'. Hopes that the three weeks in the north have done her good. A 'big gathering of Liberal women' here yesterday, with a meeting then tea 'in the tent'. The shooting on Thursday was spoiled by a wet afternoon; Sir George has rheumatism in his hand. Janet 'very funny about the forgotten photograph'; she is 'a dear affectionate little person'. Keen to hear that 'the house business is prospering' and that the building of Robert and Elizabeth's house can start soon. Misses Elizabeth very much; was so nice seeing and 'nursing' her. Wants to hear about her trip to Holland, and what she decides about the violin.; also how the Enticknaps were. [John Joseph?] Nixon was 'much distressed' to miss Elizabeth and Robert. They have not yet finished [James's] "The Tragic Muse" as there has been little time for 'long reading'; has quite forgotten it and is interested to hear how it ends. Alone now till 21 September; Charlie leaves on Monday.

TRER/46/314 · Item · [12 Jun?] 1924
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Returned yesterday after a 'very wet hunt [the Lake Hunt], though they had a 'good day on Monday, and plenty of fun', which partly made up for the wet weekend. They went out on Saturday despite the rain, but it was 'rather poor sport'; they stayed at home on Sunday, and walked to Lodore after tea. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, but it was 'disappointing only to have one good day'.

Bessie seems very well; the Sangers and 'Mrs Clifford Allen with the baby', are here till Sunday, and the weather is fine but cold. Julian writes 'quite cheerfully'. Remembers liking James's The American Scene, 'especially the chapter about Richmond. They have heard of 'two promising couples, that may do as successors to Alice and Bert [Elms], but nothing is yet settled. Thought Charles and Molly 'both very well, and in good spirits'. Has been translating much of Theocritus' poetry, and hopes to bring it out in a book this autumn or next spring; perhaps also a book of new poems, but he 'must try to write a few more this summer'.